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"According to the weather forecast, Connecticut will be hit by a cold wave that will accompany us during the week..."

The meteorologist's voice broke that pregnant silence in my car. Her gentle voice and the hum of the car tires were in harmony with each other.

It seems like winter will come early in Connecticut.

I took the first turn onto the road leading to the department. I turned off the radio to avoid hearing the forecast. The cold didn't bother me; I was used to even colder temperatures than the one preparing to hit this city. However, the real cold that frightened me had already begun. The issue of Rebecca was frozen at every point or witness.

Today, I would spend long hours in the room looking at crime scene photos and reviewing other case files the department had encountered, trying to make a connection. I needed to examine them closely until my brain sparked.

"Good morning, secretary Collins."

"Good morning, Detective Mayfire."

The first face I encountered was the department secretary. Her ready smile for anyone entering the department made it seem like everything would be fine, but as soon as I saw her, the question that crossed my mind was why there were no male secretaries in any institution. I bumped into Cameron in the hallway with files secured from the archives. I had hoped today wouldn't bother me as I needed absolute peace.

"See you later," he said.

I closed myself in the room for a period I didn't even know. I started with Rebecca's body photos and placed them on the table. Her body was squared in those photos. I looked at every detail, studying each photo one by one. Her familiar, stabbed body, what could she have done to be massacred in that way? Who could have had the heart to do such a thing?

"Ah, Rebecca," I whispered. "What could you have done?"

I couldn't imagine the horror she must have seen. I couldn't imagine the pain she had to endure each time it increased. Her spirit exhausted. I whispered deeply, leaving the photo on the table.

"The fact that there are no signs of violence on her body or substances to render her incapacitated indicates that this killer has inside knowledge. She knew him."

At the other end of the door, a double knock was heard, and half of Cameron's body appeared through the open door.

"I told you I didn't want to be disturbed. At least not today."

"I know, but Chief is looking for us. He's not in a good mood."

I settled the photos and other case files I had gathered for comparison. I took off my coat to let my body cool down from the warmth I had received from the air conditioners in the room. Cameron seemed so worried that words couldn't describe it. Just the tapping of his fingers was enough to show how nervous he was.

"Calm down before you go in. The boss can smell fear," I told him.

"Yeah, got it."

He knocked lightly as his hands were "dry." The boss's voice, always sharp and serious from inside the office, called us to come in.

"Chief, you were looking for us," I said directly.

"Yes, I was waiting," he replied shortly. "So, how are the detective works going?"

"I was comparing some cases that may have connections to the Rebecca Simons case."


"I was interrupted from the review because of your notification."

"Tell me something, Detective Mayfire, how many months have passed since this murder?"

"It's been almost five months..."

"Five months and we still don't have a lead."

"This case is not like the others, Chief."

"A case without a trace for forty-eight hours will never be solved, Mayfire."

The chief's hands slammed on the desk covered with files that were hit by the impact.

"History has shown that there are still crimes without a name..."

"The case will be closed."

"What?" I said.

"Chief, what are you saying?" Cameron interjected.

"Listen up both of you," he said. "You are relieved from this case. The case is classified as cold."

"I don't agree," I protested.

"It wasn't an option; it was an order."

"I'm not okay with this."

"Donovan," Cameron said, grabbing my arm.

"Will you teach me what to do, Mayfire?"

"I'm not teaching anyone, but I won't allow justice to cast a shadow over nineteen years already stored in a cold archive. I won't allow it."

"What do you mean, Detective Mayfire?"

"I, Donovan Mayfire, will see this case through with or without your support and that of the division."

"Such overconfidence you young people have today. Utter ignorance," the chief said, turning away from me.

"... leaving my detective behind."

"What?" the chief said.

"Donovan, what are you saying?"

"Give me a year."

The list of sinners Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ