Kidnapping again * chapter 13*

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Felix was taking his medicine and sleeping peacefully. The rest of the Bang family was sitting in the living room talking

Chan:We are sorry that Felix acted this way

Hyjn:We pampered him a lot

MrsBang: it's okay, felix deserves all the love

Minho:But he didn't deserve to grow up without parents and live with self-blame

his parents felt guilty

MrBang: the reason we ran away was for your safety, our enemies thought we only had seven sons, they didn't know felix was born. They knew that our weak point was our children. They were watching us every step of the way, so we treated you rudely,  In fact, we love you no less than Felix

The brothers were surprised by this statement of their father

Are they telling the truth?

Do they really love us?

Did they want us to be safe?

Why did they hide felix?

Who are they really?

Chan:Who are you really?

MrBang:You must have heard about .... the king and queen of the mafia

Seungmin: what??!

MrBang: yes... they are us

Jisung: but why did you hate us for being mafia

MrsBang: because being a mafia is dangerous and we didn't want to put you in danger


Suddenly Everyone was frightened by Felix's scream

They ran to Felix's room


He is not in the room

There was a letter on his bed

[Do as we say if you don't want your baby boy to get hurt]

Hi honeys, I know I've been away a lot, my sister's wedding is in 3 weeks so I have less time

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