I'm here (Maddie and Athena)

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A/n- MY FIRST REQUEST EVERRR! I'm so excited, and I hope this is okay for you sadiedavies05. There will be some violence and graphic scenes in this. Maybe some language, but without further ado, enjoy the story! Also, I am so sorry that this has taken me so long. It shouldn't have gotten to this point but I deeply apologise it has; please forgive me!

"Come on, Maddie. Pick up..." Sighed Athena as she dropped her phone into the cup holder besider her in the police cruiser.

She had been investigating the missing whereabouts of Maddie after being reported that her abuser, Doug, had been in town. Everyone had been keeping a close eye on her, especially Chim. He has had eyes on her for some time but never had the courage to ask her out.

"Did she pick up?" Asked a desperate Buck. He was with her on this mission, eager to find her sister. He had only just gotten her back, he can't lose her again.

"No. But we can't give up yet. Do you know anywhere where Doug could have taken her? We have clues, but it's confidential." Enquired Athena.

"No, I don't. Doug has done this before, though. It's not the first time something like this has happened." Explained Buck.

"Hmm. It's a dead end, Buck." Athena hangs her head. "There's nothing we can do."

Buck sighs and puts his head in his hands. Athena rubs the man's back to reassure him at least a little.

"We'll find her soon." She says hopefully.

"Please stop." Maddie pleads. Her eyes are puffy and red, a cut sluggishly bleeding on her forehead. She's sat in Doug's car, pressing herself up against the door as much as possible.

"You ran away, Maddie. This is the only way I get you back. And now, we have no distractions to stop us. It'll just be you and me." Doug says happily as he keeps his eyes firm on the road.

Chills go up Maddie's spine at his words. She doesn't want to be here; she wants to be in her bed or at work. With her friends and family, not here with this sociopath.

Her phone buzzes in her pocket as it starts to ring, and she immediately turns it off. She can't risk answering it because if Doug finds out, she'd never see it again. This is her only chance of escape.

"Where are we going?" She asks instead as she looks ahead, seeing a dense forest ahead.

"You don't need to know that. That is something for me to know and you to find out." He says not hearing Maddie's phone go off for the hundreth time.

The woman declines the call again as tears begin to fill in her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She sits there rubbing at them furiously to get rid of the tears.

They drive for another hour, passing all chances maddie has to escape. She can't anyway - Doug locked the car doors.

They just passed a big sign reading 'Seargant's Hills 10 miles' when the gas light popped up on the dashboard.

Doug hit his steering wheel in frustration, and the other flinched at the sudden movement.

They came off the highway and stopped at a deserted gas station. Doug unlocked the doors and reached out his hand to touch Maddies face.

The frightened woman gulped at the touch, and her body went rigid in the seat. He trailed his finger down her cheek as a stray tear flowed down it.

"I'm going to get gas. You stay here and do NOT move. Got it?" He commanded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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