"Dry your tears" (choke pt3)

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Just a reminder you can request! As long as it isn't like smut or incest or something like that😭
So sorry for the late release, I've been dealing with severe writers block 😖😒
Genuinely tweaking over this
Okay bye bye




It had been more than 10 minutes, in fact it's been an hour. Ben was wondering if she was ever going to show until his thoughts were shut down by the hallway door swinging open, revealing a short redhead carrying a grocery bag. She seemed to be in worse state that him, so bad he almost had sympathy.

Ashlyn's eyes met Ben's, waiting for some sort of sign to go in. Ben sighed and jerked his head towards the door as an 'okay'. Ashlyn immediately made her way to the door, making sure to open it slowly as she didn't want to startle him.

"Aiden...?" She called out reluctantly, her voice cracking in the processes. Aiden was now on his side, opposite of Ashlyn's direction as if he was shielding himself from the brutal reality.

Aiden peered over his shoulder, taupe brown meeting pickle green, he slowly dragged his eyes back to the 'get well soon' card that had revealed a little 'from Taylor, Tyler and Marianna' .he didn't have the energy and or the capacity to answer Ashlyn, he wasn't mad but he wasn't happy to see her. Which kind of shocked that even now he would still put her life before his and will even go as far as cover up this whole situation. Her sneakers shuffled across the marmoleum flooring, approaching his hospital bed.

"Look, Aiden, I'm not expecting you to believe me but you have to hear me out." There was no reply. She was now stood on his right side of his bed, his back facing her. She sighs in response to his absence

"I think something else took over me that night." This caught his attention, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. She could just be covering herself up for her own sake, but he was willing to hear her out.

"So, what do you think 'took over you'" his voice was hushed and breaking the more he spoke, it felt as if tar was being poured down this trachea.

"I don't know- I just- I dont know.." a small weep escaped her, revealing all her mixed emotions about this whole 'situation' and how it's affecting her mental health. Aiden took notice to this and sat up, facing her

"Don't cry, Ashlyn" his voice was somber and somewhat chilling, it wasn't warm or filled with sorrow but it was cold and direct. What really struck her was "Ashlyn" he never really said her full name, it was always 'lyn' 'ash' 'ballora'. Normally she would scold him for it, but it's all she wanted to hear. To hear that their friendship was welded just as strong as it once was.




It had been an hour since she had arrived, they had been sitting in silence as the low hum of an ac lingered in the background. Ashlyn wanted to try and make sense of everything to him but she didn't even know herself, everything just seemed off. God, why was it so awkward? Normally silence would soothe Ashlyn, but now? She felt as if she was going to die from the awkwardness.

"So, uhm, you wanted to talk about the whole situation?" Aiden broke the silence, still eyeing his Rubik's cube Ben had bought for him.

"Huh? Oh yeah, so uh- that night it was all like I was sitting in the passenger seat, but in my own body? Like I could see what was going on, just not control my actions. Like I had rabies or something" she tried to recall everything that night, trying to piece it all together like a dangerous puzzle

"Now that i think of it, your attack was similar to what you inflicted on me. It also confused me how strong you were, it was almost like you had crackhead strength" his broken voice sounding dead. The realisation hit them both like a bus

"Am I turning into a phantom...?" Ashlyn started to hyperventilate, trying to grip onto reality yet almost loosing said grip.




4 days before
Ashlyn was sat in the school bathroom, pitying herself by crying, until she heard the bathroom door swing open. There was now at least 3 girls outside her cubicle, talking by the sinks. One had a very familiar voice.

"She's such a fucking freak" one girl giggled to this, the other chuckled awkwardly

"So, Taylor, what do you think? She's pretty weird"

"Tell me about it. My god, all she would talk about is 'OmG mY eArS, bLaH bLaH bLaH'. God she was such a headache."

The other girls let out a shocked snicker. Ashlyn couldn't believe what she was hearing, was Taylor talking shit..?

"Don't even get me started on her and Aiden. Like yeah, he's a 'psycho freak' but you cant just say "he's my best friend, would die for him" AND THEN try to murder him? Surprised why he decided not to press charges. Oh AND this whole time she's been playing us? We treat her like a good friend and she can't even call us friends? Well so be it, I don't want to be associated with somebody like that bitch"

Tears where blossoming back into Ashlyn's tear ducts the more she was going on, some even daring to be free. She knew that they hated her, but hearing it? It was all like being hit with a brick.




Present time
The memories of that day stuck to her like honey, it reminded her that whatever she says, she will just sound insane and nobody would believe her. And the fact that there's the possibility she's turning into the vile creature she's been trying to avoid these past few months, so who would blame her for falling deep into a ditch she doesn't see the exit of?

"Ashlyn?" She hasn't realised she had been starring at Aiden until she was pulled back down to earth.

"Ashlyn, stop crying"

Aidens pov
Did that sound too harsh? Wait what am I thinking? She's the one who got me in this condition, why should I care about my tone of voice? Why do I still have these feelings? What is wrong with me?

"Aiden, I'm sorry. Please can we work together on this?" Ashlyn had broke the short silence by suggesting teamwork. Should I trust her? What if she does worse? Ugh I don't know.

Maybe we can start again.

Authors note
I don't rlly like this chalter since it's rushed but people have been asking for pt3 so here it is😭
Sorry it's not up to standards
I wrote this with a sore throat lmfao

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