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Guess who went camping😈 (i got idea from Johnnie's insta story)

Johnnie's POV:

Jake just posted on my instagram story that him and I are going camping to prove that we are 'manly men'. I kind of don't wanna go since we're going to be out in the woods at night and who knows what will happen there... right now we're packing up. Jake's putting everything we need in the car but I still feel like we're missing something...

I decided to ignore it and head to the car. Jake then got in and turned the car on and drove straight to where he planned on staying. He drove for nearly an hour and we had finally arrived at the woods. I helped Jake by taking out the stuff we had and putting them on the ground.

"I kind of don't wanna do this. Since we're in the woods."

"Quit being a slut and help me set up the tent."

I groaned and walked towards him and instructed him on how to set it up. He kept messing up and I soon took over his spot and he walked towards the car to grab the camera he had forgotten to take out. He walked up to me with a camera shoved in my face as I tried fixing what he had nearly broken.

"What are we doing right now, Johnnie boy?"

"I am setting up the tent right now. You almost broke a stick, you know?"

"Uhh, that wasn't me..."

After a few minutes, I had finally finished setting up and Jake decided to go out exploring because 'we're living the wild life'... we played around with sticks, acting like they were our swords and we were battling each other with them. We then headed back because we were both starving since we barely had any time to eat something.

Jake looked for a food bag in his car for a while which was concerning because we both knew we packed up food for each other. I stood behind him and saw that he was struggling to find the bag.

"Dude, what's takin you so long?"

"Johnnie, where exactly did you put the bag in the car? Is it in the front seat?"

"Why you asking me?! I gave it to you to put in the car!"

"No you didn't! If you did, I would've known where it was!"

We stood in silence for a moment before realizing that we were both fucked. Neither Jake or I had packed the bag in the car... now we were left to starve in the woods..

"This is your fault! If you packed the food in, we wouldn't have to be starving in the woods!"

"Me?! It wasn't just my fault! You also didn't pack it! I literally told you many times to make sure to pack in the food bag!"

"Okay, well it was both our faults for forgetting. Maybe there's food around.."

"We're not going to find a McDonalds in the woods, you know."

"I know. Im not stupid. Im just saying that maybe there would be berries or someone else around who could give us some of their food."

"I don't think strangers would want to give us their food Johnnie. They're going to judge us for being grown adults who somehow forgot to pack up the most important thing."

I let out a sigh and headed in the tent to lay down in.

"Cheer up man,"  Jake said as he walked inside and sat down beside me.
"We still got each other. Also, this was supposed to be a fun trip so let's just joke around about us forgetting about the food! A lot of people would laugh and they'll even post clips of it on TikTok!"

I slowly got up and gave him a soft smile. We got out the tent and continued recording and joked how we had forgotten about the food. The sun was starting to set and we were kind of far from where we were. We walked back and talked about what other video ideas we should do. We planned on doing s'mores but since the we had forgotten the bag, we weren't able to do them.

My phone then began to buzz and I noticed that Carrington was calling me.


"Johnnie! I just wanted you to know that before you and Jake left, I saw that there was a bag of food on the counter and I assumed that it was for me, so I ate it all and now that in thinking about it, I think that it was actually meant for you and Jake since it had s'mores and other things!..."

I turned to look at Jake who had his jaw dropped and the camera pointed at him.. he then proceeded to snatch my phone away and yelled at Carrington,

"Carrington you son of a bitch! Johnnie and I starved the whole day and blamed it on each other for it while you were at home, eating what we had packed and left us to starve the whole day! I swear, once I get home you're going to get a big spanking, mister!"

Jake hung up and passed the phone over to me and hour out the tent. I stared as he left and I tried my hardest to not burst out laughing. We then packed everything and stuffed it in the car, not caring if we broke anything.

We finally got home and I instantly went to the fridge and ate whatever leftover we had left. Jake looked around the house, looking for Carrington to give him his 'spanking' but he had no lick finding him.

"Im guessing he's at Chase's house." I say as I walked over to give and offer some of the leftover

"He probably is.. I'll just deal with him tomorrow."
He said as he took a mouthful of the food.

I felt my phone buzz and noticed that Carrington had sent me a message saying
'I'll be home once Jake calms down'

"Fucking bitch!" Jake yelled out, nearly choking on the food.


Sorry for delay. I havent gotten much ideas😭

Im working on other onshots but some of them are going to be pretty long since im making one of them based off a movie and the other of a series. And ima take a long time to post them bc Ive also been working on the other stories i have (please read them)

Also ima prob stop doing the name tittle thingy i do

Anways bai🤸

Jake Webber X Johnnie Guilbert  |•One Shots•|Where stories live. Discover now