Part 2

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The Next Day:

Brynn woke with a multitude of questions running around her head. Wanting to know the answers from both Braden and the staff.

Sighing when she heard - Hush lass, plenty of time to ask when ye are up and about.

Sighing she replied - I can't relax Braden, I need to know things, its just too much for me to accept after so little time.

She curled into herself crying, willing it all to go away. To shut down until she could cope better. Brynn knew he was in her room now, then felt him brush her forehead before a soft kiss. Then he moved behind her, getting into her bed and just pulling her back into his hold as he surrounded her with soothing words in Gaelic again and his warmth. Letting her cry.

Brynn felt safe in his hold as his body wrapped around her hers. She couldn't stop thinking about the Circle yesterday, their words and the knowledge of what may come. She didn't want to get her hopes up to only be disappointed. She heard Braden sigh as he too now delved into her thoughts, increasing his hold to let her know he wasn't going anywhere.

I'm scared Braden. - she sent.

He chuckled softly, "As am I lass. Tis a lot to ask of ye to accept me as they say. But know I am here and always will be."

She sobbed knowing that in her mind; given he had been there since his own period in history. It was more the now and the future she was scared for. She kept thinking of others who would have visited. Other family who would have had more of a connection to him. Why did it all happen now? Why her?

Braden chuckled, "Life and magic works in mysterious ways lass, none of us truly know how or why. They must have their reasons and have known for more time than we know. Tis nothing we should be scared of though lass, but embrace with their blessings and protection. I understand it must be hard for ye lass, but know I am here and always will be Brynn."

Brynn sniffed, "That's what scares me Braden. What does that mean for you or me? How does that affect us both, or more you?"

He chuckled again adding, "Well lass that all depends on ye love. Can ye learn to love a spirit/soul from the past? Can ye let him into yer heart and life?"

She gasped, "You make it sound so easy and fun! Its not Braden, its terrifying! I understand everyone seems to know it will be so, but I'm only just learning about what you have all known. What does it mean for me? This life here? You?"

Hugging her with chuckles he added, "Lass calm down. All is well and ye can feel me solid enough. All can see me now and that is in most part due to yer acceptance on some level. I know yer chat yesterday would have helped as well and ye know how the staff all feel. Yer uncle was a wise and clever man. I'm sure he knew also in his way but never said anything. I know he too spent many an afternoon visiting the Circle when alone. Ye canna deny fate lass, nor the magic of this place. Ye are a big part of that now and they know it, as do all here."

Brynn had to admit he was right. She felt it as much as it scared her. She knew he would not leave her as well, that her life was about to take on a new turn, one she felt she would never see. Having all but given up on it.

Braden said, "Never give up lass, there is always someone out there for everyone, it just takes time to find them or be found. In yer case, all those around ye knew. Ye just needed that confirmation lass. To have yer questions answered, to understand and hopefully accept. Know that this is all verra real lass, listen to yer inner heart and know it to be so."

She sighed, closing her eyes and reaching within, shocked to find he was right, but it didn't take away her fears.

He nuzzled her whispering, "Let me show ye lass, let me prove to ye it is so and I am yer's, if ye will have me love."

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