Chapter 17

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Author's Note: 

slight 🔞


As you paced around your room, the weight of your options became more taunting. Though you had washed up and changed into your pajamas, you couldn't really seem to settle. You didn't bother turning on the lights, only the soft glow of the moon provided any sort of aid in your vision.

Your knuckles remained pressed against your lips as you shuffled around, thinking.

It's clear now that Armin wanted entertainment, to make use of your misery, and he was choosing your path for you. There was no use resisting his demands, at least that's what you've concluded now. You'd go to his dates, find some sort of leverage against him, and eventually, shift his attention elsewhere.

Your mind wandered back to the last party you had gone to, with Hitch and Levi. How Armin was sitting among the couches, spectating everyone without a word. You then remembered Annie, and how one simple gaze from him allowed her dare for Connie to be adjusted.

It may have been a stretch, to assume that their encounters were worth noting. But the shy response Annie had given him two nights ago, nodding and looking away like that... it was definitely worth looking into.

There was a sudden knock on the door that jolted you from where you stood. You froze, turning your gaze to the entrance as you narrowed down who it could be.

Could it have been Armin, surprising you with a last-minute date? Or maybe it was Eren, still hoping to lay in your presence. Either way, you took hesitant steps forward, mentally preparing yourself for whatever it was to come.

You barely managed to unlock the doorknob before it swung past you, causing you to choke on the air. You weren't allowed to fully process much of anything before a warm pair of lips came crashing onto yours.

The collision nearly caused you to fall backward, but the arms wrapping over your sides kept you somewhat balanced. You gasped for air once he pulled away, raising your eyes towards the surprise guest. The room may have been dark, and neither of you have said as much as a word, but you knew. Not just because of the signature lotus and musk scent engulfing you both, but because that fierce gaze belonged to nobody else but Levi Ackerman.

You were about to open your mouth to speak, but no words came to mind. The sudden shift in the atmosphere, the cold look in those grey eyes, it became clear that this was no ordinary encounter. Only the sound of his arm extending backward, clicking the lock to your door could be heard.

One of Levi's hands traveled up towards your jaw, grazing against your skin in a careful manner. Like he knew that you were confused by his presence, but couldn't contain this switch in character.

"You kissed him," he breathes out, voice low enough to be a whisper. You could feel his breath against your skin as he tilted his head, examining your reaction. "In front of me. You kissed him."

Neither of you dared to say Eren's name. Like it was a dirty word that would only lead to bitter feelings. As you swallowed down the saliva building up in your throat, you averted your gaze elsewhere. Honesty was a luxury you couldn't afford right now; you had to find a way around this somehow before things could escalate.

"I'm sorry," you replied truthfully. "I know I said I'd break up with him-"

You couldn't finish your sentence before Levi pulled you in once more. This time, his jaw widened, allowing his tongue to slide out and over yours. His sudden hunger, his boldness, it wasn't expected today. But it wasn't like you were complaining.

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