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Shadows clung to his body, enveloping him in a cloak of darkness. Tendrils of shadow danced around him, twisting and contorting in an eerie display of power. His emotion remains unchanged, filling the room with darkness took no effort from him. It wasn't just control, it was manipulation. The shadows shaped into intricate illusions, bending them to his will. Figures of shadow lurked in the darkness, their forms shifting and morphing.
Just as quickly as the shadows appeared, the darkness retreated, not without leaving a sense of unease. Light slowly re-enters the room, making my eyes adjust to the light. I realize why his eyes look so haunted. He contains all the darkness and shadows within him. His shadows made him ethereal.
In a very dangerous way.


All the clues were there. The names, people's mysterious disappearances, their sudden authority over Terraveile, the way they kill so easily.

I wondered how it was humanely possible for them to kill so much and not feel a thing.

They weren't human.

I wonder how many humans he has killed.

"The virus did that to you?" I ask quietly. Still processing the presence of death in front of me. He nods. The virus came from the stars. The Daethos harnessed powers from the stars.

Stars of the earth.

They are the stars, they are above me in every way.

Burning high above the atmosphere while the powerless are crushed down by the gravity of their power.

He spins the dagger on the pad of his pointer finger. "You know where you are, right Cyra?" He looks at me, and I get to look at him. Really look at him. I recognize the strands of dark hair that stray to his face. A mess of black vines, and a haunted presence.

He was in my house when my parents were killed. I saw him stand over them, the daggers in them. That same invisible darkness hanging over his head.

He killed my parents. 

'Death, darling.' His ability is solely based on death. The pieces come together in my mind. I feel the world just turn in on me. "A palace filled with powerful assholes?" I have the sudden urge to retort back. I feel like punching the smirk off his face. That smirk speaks volumes about how above me he thinks he is. And he feels no remorse for what he's done. Numb to the thought of death. "You're not entirely wrong." He simply shrugs a shoulder, flipping the knife. I want to take that damn distracting thing away. A beautiful but sharp weapon.

Just like him.

"This world is ruled by power. And you will not have any here. Do you understand me?"

As if that wasn't clear enough already.

"If having powers makes me as insufferable and arrogant as you, I think I'm better off without them." I snarl at him. I know I shouldn't, but anger has clouded my judgement. I want to fight back against him.

The corners of his mouth curl upwards. "You've got quite the mouth on you." He takes a step towards me, my instincts tell me to step back, afraid of him and the power he has. But I refuse to back away. "Why do you seem so unbothered? Darling, I am one of the most powerful men in Terraveile, and you're not afraid?"

I'm terrified.

This man is responsible for my life going rapidly downhill. The reason I won't see my family again. A stab of pain strikes my abdomen, rushing through my blood.
And also the reason I will stop breathing.

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