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Blood trickles down my forehead, coating my brows.


I raise them slightly in surprise, my opponent has more strength than I anticipated. He smirks, satisfied by his blow. A cruel glint in his eyes, the type a person has before they send a lethal strike.

I would know.

His elbow grazing my forehead has caused my bleeding. But I will be the cause of his death. My opponent cocks his arm back, fist raised dangerously close to my face. A devilish grin crosses his features relishing the realization he now has the upper hand.

Not for long.

The bastard impressed me, putting up quite the fight. I figured prolonging his death would be more interesting and well, fun. Deciding I've had my fill of entertainment, I aim to end this.

I'm not playing games anymore. This is going to end.

A mass of shadows lifts him off the ground, ribbons of darkness swirl around his head. "Were you the only one infected?" I growl at the man. He doesn't answer. I will my shadows to squeeze with more force. His pulse stills under their grasp, he stops squirming.

Kissed by the chill of death. One I've seen too many times.

I don't take a second to feel bad for him. Another weak infected out of the way. The thing is, he wasn't weak. Far from it. The virus empowered him, and that makes him a threat to The Daethos. While the weak get thrown into cells to rot, hidden from society, the other empowered get taken care of, by me personally. If news about this powerful virus got out to Terraveile, Hell would break loose.

A hungry, power-crazed hell.

The other Daethos Authority and I walk the perimeter of the area, making sure no left over star pieces of Aurelia are lying about. Or other infected.

I've dealt with many weakened. All of them terrified, their feeble personalities matching their withering forms. A frail and frightened person with an even weaker spirit, it's the same with every case. Every one except hers. I have never seen so much fire behind such drained and tired eyes. Cyra's body was wearing out, but her personality was as strong as an empowered.

A little firecracker, that one.

Cyra wasn't as incapacitated mentally as she was physically. I try to stray my mind from our conversation, but I find it impossible. She wasn't afraid of me. Which was different. I hate to admit, but her little quips and threats were entertaining. The most entertainment I've had in a while. It was a nice change of pace, instead of listening to other Daethos boast about their powers. 'Powerful bastards', she said.

She was right.

I enjoyed her threats, her jaw set with determination, the fearlessness in her shameless jabs.

Once I am satisfied with our perimeter check, I nod to the other authorities, letting them know we are done here. Riven, another guard, falls in line beside me. "A friendly spar once we get back?" A hint of challenge in his tone. I chuckle " You should know by now my spars are anything but friendly." Riven lets out a huff, his blonde hair swaying from the action. "Yeah, got the bruises to prove it."

I shrug a shoulder, smirking at him. "You can't expect me to go easy on you."

He huffs again. "I expect at least a bit of respect, enough to not ruin my amazing physique." I roll my eyes at the guard. "Your enemy won't pull punches when they're trying to kill you. Besides, it's not my fault you don't know how to dodge." I'm too focused on my playful jab at him that I don't notice a blob of water flying at my face until my hair is soaked. Riven chuckles at my offended expression. "Who doesn't know how to dodge, Cas?" He taunts. Rolling my eyes again, I give him a light shove. "Yeah yeah, you got me."

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