Update on Jemaime! (SLIGHT spoilers)

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I forgot to mention this in her original description! But it's best if we do it now, after the second episode has been released. This will have some spoilers for the new episode, so don't read if you haven't seen it!

Jemaime's relationships with the characters:

Pomni: Pomni often likes to cling to Jemaime if she's scared. She doesn't often talk to Jemaime, only when she needs some kind of reassurance or advice. Since we see Pomni being a teensy bit more cheerful and slightly more adjusted to her situation in the second episode, she likes going to Jemaime for advice, and she just...likes to talk to her now. Jemaime is one of the characters/players or whatever that Pomni hasn't really bonded with, so she's trying to fix that, and Jemaime has noticed. It warms her heart.

Ragatha: She's got, like, a flirty thing going on with Ragatha, but nothing too serious. They just like flirting playfully whenever it gets brought up. There are times where she's gotten Ragatha genuinely flustered, and it makes her laugh every time. Ragatha is just a good friend who Jemaime likes to talk to whenever she feels down, stressed out, lonely, or just wants to talk to a friend. They have a very good relationship. Maybe they could be...something more in the future?

Caine: She is rather annoyed by him, but can't complain about his presence due to the fact that he lets her do anything she wants (most of the time). Caine tries to win her over, sometimes romantically, but Jemaime refuses to fall prey to his bull. She can tolerate him for now, though.

Jax: Oh, boy, oh, boy, where do we start with Jax? Jax instills...thoughts in Jemaime. Thoughts she wouldn't like to think about. Thoughts she can't stop thinking about. Thoughts she finds herself drowning in. Theories about her past. Everything is fine until Jax suddenly goes off-script from their usual moderate banter and says something that...instills a sense of uneasiness in her. Especially when he talks about violence. Violence this, bloodshed that, blah blah blah. What next, is he just going to...randomly throw someone off of a cliff? Off a cliff...off a cliff...cliffs...Jemaime is scared of cliffs. She doesn't like going near them. They also...instill thoughts into her. Thoughts she'd rather not dwell on...

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Anyhow, her relationship with Jax is...rocky. They do have light banter, and the occasional fight, say, every 5 minutes, but it's often fine. Ragatha breaks them up, and they keep being at each other's throats, just...silently. There's also the occasional flirtatious banter here and there. Jemaime always loves making Jax flustered. It's the funniest thing. It reminds her of...


Zooble and Kinger (I had to put them together): Zooble and Kinger are her parents fr (this does NOT mean I ship them! It's a found family type of thing, I guess?). Zooble is the badass mom/parent who Jemaime IDOLIZES, and Kinger is the...not mentally there father who gives her wise advice every once in a while.

Kinger always encourages Jemaime to come find him if she's feeling down so that they can hang out in his pillow fort or look at his bug collection! He likes spending time with Jemaime, and values their relationship.

Jemaime always ends up having to be behind Zooble, and does practically EVERYTHING for them. Zooble does tell Jemaime to take a break once in a while, saying it's not healthy to be putting herself at risk for them all the time. Jemaime wholeheartedly disagrees, lol.

Overall, Jemaime really cares for Zooble and Kinger, and, even though she's closer in age to Zooble, which would make it weird, Zooble and Kinger are the closest things to parental figures that Jemaime has, considering that she can't remember how her real parents acted. Did...did she ever have parents?

Gangle: Gangle is a kind of fun person to be around. And by fun, I mean that Jemaime thinks it's fun to chat with Gangle and joke about stuff to make her feel better when she's fixing Gangle's comedy mask. Sure, Jemaime could just snap her fingers, and the mask would be fixed, but she likes taking the time to get to bond with Gangle. Gangle appreciates the effort and is happy that she can see a true friend in Jemaime.

(Bonus: Jemaime had THE BI PANIC EVER when she saw the princess. She was literally spacing out just looking at her and being like, 'WOW! She's SO prettyyyyy...IWOULDDOANYTHINGFORYOUPRINCESSSUREWE'LLGODEFEATTHOSEBANDITSRIGHTNOW!')

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