Chapter 20: LIE

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Sheena's POV


I watched the time slowly goes by. It's running so slow for some reason.

Gwen asked to be fetched from school because we need to send Nael for their monthly check up, this is our monthly routine. After check up, we'll have him groomed.

We agreed to this since last Sunday, and for the last minute, her thesis group mates had called her to talk about something and here I am waiting for exactly thirty minutes outside Bloom's.

It makes my blood to boil though. The agreed time was 10 and it's quarter to 11 already and the vet will close at 11:30 and it would also take time going there because of the heavy traffic. Maloi offered a hand because she'll bringing Chowlong and Juyon too but I refuse since vet checks are usually just Gwen and me.

And right now, it might be just me.

Ten more minutes, and I'm just gonna send our baby boy in the vet myself.

My phone suddenly beeped so I immediately open the notification hoping it was Gweneth but to my disappointment, it is just Mikha and her crazy antics.

Mikha: Where the heck is everybody? Do you want to accompany me to vet?

Mikha: Oh, I'm here at Maloi's. She's not here, though. Nagbebe time yata sila ni Stacku. Where are your pets @Maloi?

Mikha: I can't find Juyon the hairy ball and her superior bother, Chowlong.

Mikha: Oh, I just go to Sheena's. I'm bored. Reply ASAP!

I laugh as I read each text that pops up. Mikha tend to be a bully to our pets. She's good at it. Akala mo naman hindi mataba si Haru.


Sheena: Vet check today. I'm here at Bloom's, Maloi probably is in vet now.

Mikha: what about Haru? You guys left him. How dare you all!

Sheena: you sent him just last week.

Mikha: oh, you're right.

Mikha: I'll go to your condo. Bring me coffee on your way home. I'm starving.

Sheena: I have a coffee maker.

Mikha: iced Americano is better. take care.

I smiled to the last text but it immediately disappeared when Gwen sent me a message.

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