??? ranzai part 1

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ranpo carelessly conversed with dazai, his beloved. his ravenette hair flowed with the wind as his emerald eyes sparkled with grace and happiness. his pale face reddened with blush as the brunette teased ranpo. dazai chuckled softly at his lover's expression.

soon, a white haired man poked ranpo's shoulder... atsushi?. atsushi's white hair was in a mess, much more compared to usual. atsushi poked ranpo's shoulder more roughly as ranpo didnt answer. 

"ranpo...are you ok?" atsushi's words confused ranpo, 'was i ok?', what kind of question was that, of course he was ok...

"of course atsushi, why did you ask?" this was irritating to ranpo, he was confused, which was strange to him. he usual was able to understand the meaning behind such questions.

atsushi muttered under his breath, inaudible to ranpo, before speaking softly again ,"who are you talking to..ranpo?", ranpo's emerald eyes widened in shock as he stared blankly at atsushi...'who am i talking to?' , he thought as he stared at dazai.

"im taking with dazai of course" ranpo responded, his expression blank at the question. he looked at atsushi's pale expression, his purple yellow eyes flicked and shook in fear, his jaw clenched together as he stared at ranpo with shock and fear.

"but ran-ranpo...dazai...dazai is dead.."

-part 1 ending (this is supposed to be a cliff hanger)

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