Destiny queen - part 2

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Taehyung acknowledged the hate-filled comments in the open section and calmly stated, "Let it be. We only have one Worldwide Handsome, our Jin oppa." Despite his composed exterior, the words stung deep inside.

As they read the comments, their spirits sank.

Confusion riddled the room when the bell rang, and heads turned to see who it might be.

Jimin rose and made his way to the door.

As it swung open, standing before them were our dear bro RM, Jin Oppa, J-Hope Oppa, and our beloved Suga.

The group smiled warmly, bringing a sense of comfort and familiarity that banished the earlier gloom. They greeted each other enthusiastically, ready to lift each other's spirits and create new memories together.

Seeing his brother, Jimin's downward-turned face lit up with joy as they embraced and exchanged greetings.

Upon hearing the chuckling voice, Jungkook spotted Taehyung with a puzzled expression, wondering who could be approaching.

Deciding to investigate, they both rose to their feet and cautiously approached the figure. As they drew closer, tears welled up in their eyes, conveying the difficulty of the situation— it was their long-lost brother.

They sprinted towards their brother, embracing him so tightly that even the air couldn't find space to move. RM, Jin,Suga  and J-Hope comforted them, RM whispering, "You don't have to be perfect anymore; you can just be good."

Then Jin said, "The world exists solely in your perception; you have the power to shape its size."
Next, J-Hope added, "There is goodness in this realm worth defending."
Finally, Suga concluded, "To truly discover yourself, you mustn't lose yourself in others."

In their exchange, they echoed the essence of self-empowerment, resilience, and the pursuit of individuality. Jin's words urged the listener to embrace their own unique perspective, while J-Hope's declaration highlighted the importance of standing up for what is right. Suga's insight served as a reminder of the significance of self-discovery and staying true to one's identity. Together, their words formed a tapestry of wisdom, urging all to navigate the complexities of life with confidence, integrity, and a steadfast commitment to personal growth.

Suga extended his arms to Jimin for a comforting hug, eliciting heartwarming expressions from the others. Subsequently, they engaged in casual conversations within their cozy space, finding solace in each other's company.

That's when a notification chimed on Jimin's phone, prompting him to abruptly rise and stride towards the garden area. Everyone pondered over his sudden actions, questioning silently.

Jin, with a thoughtful expression, inquired, "Is it  any girl matter ?"

RM added, "Perhaps, judging by his demeanor."

They all where curious now 😁....

They all where curious now 😁

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Destiny Queen..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ