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Torrents of rain poured down on the forests on the swaying National Park forest. The raindrops sounded like pebbles beating the ground. Dark gray storm clouds swirled in the sky, flickering with silent lightning and rumbling with powerful thunder.
But driving through the shadows of the forest and pouring showers of rain was a single, dripping wet grey bus. Seated inside the bus were all sorts of people that all in the neighborhood of the National Park. But many of them have been caught in the thunderstorm by accident and were soaked by the storm. Some children snuggled against their parents, who comforted them from the sounds of the thunderstorm. A sixteen year old girl inched closer to the window as she watched the thunderstorm rage on outside of her window. The girl waited a few hours and watched as the others they either gotten on the bus.
A fussy baby could be heard crying as his mother struggled to calm him down, which caught the teenage girl's attention.
"Is your baby okay?" She spoke with her light, youthful voice that had the vaguest hint of a lilt to it from the seat across from the mother. 
The mother peered back, a glow of blue that shone out from the hidden light of the moon, making the girl's gaze is both illuminating and unnerving. But when the girl inched closer to the light, the mother could see that the girl is graceful and seemed to be vigilant. The girl has long, wavy golden hair and her skin tone is beige while her striking eyes are blue like the sea. She was wearing a soaked dark blue jacket on top of her dark blue shirt that fades to white at the bottom, navy blue pants, and dark brown boots.
"Sorry for startling you," said the girl with a small, apologetic smile. "I'm Shira Grace."
"And I'm Rafa de Alva." She soon showed her curious son, who was watching the interaction between them. "And this is my son, Marco."
Shira's expression softened when she saw Marco whimpering softly yet again, his eyes glistened with renewed tears. She decided to sing him a lullaby to help calm down.
"Evening is a-falling, so rest your weary head.
"Don't cry little baby, sleep tight in your bed."
"The birds are a-nestling, way up in the trees.
"The scent of springtime flowers floating on the breeze,"
"The full moon is a-shining in the sky above,"
"Hush now little darling, bundled up with love."
Marco started smiling at her and clapping his hands at Shira, who smiled at him in good humor.
But in the midst of flashing lightning and a rumble of thunder, yelling and screaming could be heard as a huge tree was sent flying from the tree and had cut the bus in half while causing a huge wave of confusion and fear from the bus drivers and the bus riders.
In the midst of the confusion, Shira started looking for Rafa de Alva and little Marco, ignoring her new scar that has been marked through her left eyebrow. She saw Rafa de Alva and her strong husband, Bruno de Alva. But Shira noticed that they had lost Marco in the confusion.
When Shira heard a cry from Marco, she navigated through the stunned and frightened crowd of people to find a wailing Marco in his baby basket. She let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him and started heading towards his direction. She'll return him to his parents, so they could check on Marco.
But she suddenly heard the sound of another vehicle heading towards their direction. Shira gasped when she caught sight of it, and it was heading towards their direction... and little Marco.
Without hesitation, Shira jumped in front of Marco protectively whilst taking the hit made for the helpless baby to herself. The hit caused her to cry out in pain and collapsed in front of a wailing Marco, which caught everyone's horrified attention. Especially the driver who had made the car come to an immediate stop in front of the collapsed girl. The baby whimpered, reaching toward the girl, completely aware of what had just happened.
She set her head down into the cold and wet road, but at that point everything was completely numb except for the stinging pain in her shoulder. She soon fell unconscious in the shadows of the thunderstorm.

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