Chapter Four: A Vision

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Shira was looking around warily too see that she wasn't sleeping in her bed inside her family's cottage anymore, but Shira seemed to be standing somewhere she had never been before. All around her seemed to be the faint outlines of the mountains from the mist. She seemed to be plunged into sea mist and everything around her had became light blue and white. Shira was surprised to feel a soft, gentle breeze blowing through.
She suddenly heard a great shriek of a falcon. She looked up and saw the falcon on the top of a hill. The falcon step in front of the foggy sun and met Shira's eyes. She doesn't know whether to feel awe or curiosity or scared or wary. New feelings like lightning raced between them: trust, curiosity, and empathy. Behind those amber eyes seemed to hide more intelligence than seemed impossible for any bird and the falcon's eyes seemed to have the reflection of Shira's soul. But their bonding moment had soon ended as the falcon gave a strong screech that echoed greatly across the misty sky and fly up towards the silvery-yellow sun, and disappeared into the misty sunlight while being silhouetted by the hidden sun.
Shira discovered that someone was walking beside her. It was hard to see anything in the white, sunlit mist and could only see the faint outlines of the surrounding mountains around her. The unknown person was watching her so quietly that she could hardly hear anything from anyone.
She swallowed as she pushed her fear away and called out to the foggy space warily. "Hello? Is anyone there?" No reply, she decided to try again. "Who are you?"
"One who has waited for you to speak," said the person. The voice sounded like a man, but his voice was very deep and wise.
"A-Are you a spirit?" Shira asked the Speaker curiously.
"You might call me a spirit," said the Speaker. "But I am not like the creatures you call spirits."
"I can't see you." Shira looked around, trying to find the Speaker and started to tremble in fear. "Where are you?"
She became still as she suddenly gained the horrifying thought of a ghost speaking to her. Shira felt a warm, but gentle and comforting blow of the wind from the person on her face.
"That is not the wind of a ghost," said the Speaker. "Tell me your sorrows."
Shira was a little calmer and reassured by the wind: so she told how she was born from her parents as a miracle child in her family and had discovered she has epilepsy that caused her parents unwanted stress. She told him the story of her and her parents had to move away from their other family members and started living in the Valley View National Park; and all of the dangers in the Valley she had lived through and the accident that caused her to have an injury.
"I do not call you unfortunate," said the Speaker.
"How so?" Shira asked, a little defensive.
"I have seen you and yet you were not afraid to face your fears," said the Speaker. "I was with you when you need comfort, protection, faith, and hope." Shira was stunned when she heard and she felt a wave of gratitude towards the Speaker. But the Speaker's voice has became graver and solemn. "Shira, Daughter of Eve, your heart of stone shall be turned into flesh."
"What?" Shira became alarmed and became curious rather than angry. "Why would you call upon me? I mean, my luck isn't the very best."
"Luck has nothing to the person you are," said the Speaker. "You are brave and independent, and yet you were willing to help unknown people who needed your aid."
Shira was all alone and she felt the pang of loneliness creep into her chest. The way the neighbors stand together is something that she had longed for so long: friendship. You would think that after traveling alone for years, she would get used to staying by herself... but she never did. Her nomadic lifestyle was fun and beautiful in its own way; no fights with anyone, no set schedule, she was living off the land, and so on. But she longed for one thing: friends. The people she usually came across out here were either liars or thieves, so there were no real opportunities for friendships. Though, she has a slight heartache as she remembered how grim and lonely she was, roaming the streets and everyone had started avoiding her for some reason. Many people tried to avoid her for some reason and she does the same, but some people hurt her and she keeps away from other people. Not many people around her age would show her the same kindness as grownups do for her. She was living off the land, taking on challenges, and so on. She knew that people have their own reasons for their own choices. But it doesn't quench her loneliness and the longing for friends.
Shira suddenly felt a warm, but gentle and comforting blow of the wind from the Speaker and felt grateful to him for blowing away her loneliness. She still has a few questions about this mysterious, but wise and loving Speaker and asked carefully, "Who are you?"
"I am who I am," said the Speaker, his voice was deep and clear that made the earth shook slightly. "I am myself." His voice was so soft, she almost missed it and seemed to have come all around her as if leaves were rustling through an unknown wind around her.
Shira was no longer wary nor afraid that the Speaker would hurt her or something like a ghost. But a new, different feeling had washed over her and she was glad to feel such a feeling.
The mist in front of her was becoming lighter by the minute till it had became white. The whiteness around her became a shining whiteness; her eyes began to blink. Somewhere ahead she could somehow hear birds singing. She knew that dawn was rising and she must alert the others. Shira could see the faint outline of the Speaker as the golden light fell upon them before.
She narrowed her eyes at the golden light and saw an adult lion who almost resembles the winged lion statue on the bell tower and was standing in front of her. It was from the lion the light came from. She had never seen anything so amazing before.
Shira found out she couldn't say anything, but she knew she doesn't need to say anything to him and she knew he understands. The High King walked towards her with such empathetic compassion and warm love that watching him made her become still. He gently kissed Shira's forehead and startling clarity had came over her. A single tear ran down from her left eye. She lifted her face and their eyes met. Instantly, the pale brightness of the mist and fiery brightness of the High King rolled themselves together into a swirling glory and had disappeared without a single trace of him left behind.

Shira woke up in her bed and placed a hand on her chest, struggling to calm down a bit.
She's back inside of her bedroom. Her bedroom has a clean white bed with soft white pillows on the left side. A pair of windows with white curtains on the right side. A wooden desk with a white-framed mirror. A pencil box with books, maps, and notebooks on the desk. There's also three shelves of her books; history, adventure stories, encyclopedias of all animals in the town, fantasy stories, ancient myths and legends, and Bible stories. Shira bolted awake and glanced at the window, seeing the first light of the morning.

Superbook: A New Traveler (Under Editing)  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя