Branzy's Sister

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This is a sample of the story I had an idea for. The description is in my updates. I'm also sorry for failing to post lately. One of my friends died, the school projects have been stacking up, and I'm overall not doing great. But I don't want to bore you all, so here is an update.

TW cussing

(Branzy POV)

I sit on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Where is Ivory?  I wonder. It's been almost a year since I last saw her. She does this often, she's an assassin, but leaving without a note? That isn't like her. Do I wait for her return, or look for her? Heck, where would I even start?

"Goddamnit, Ivory..." I mutter to myself.

My mind begun to spiral with crazy theories. What if the authorities took her away? Is she dead? What if she got caught on her mission?  I comprehend each idea before crossing them out mentally. Ivory is well trained in shadow missions... she's probably just on a long one. Without real evidence though, I can't say for sure. 

I kick my legs off to the side of the bed and lift up. My feet touch down on the carpet and I stumble over to my desk. I place both my hands on the wood to stabilize myself. I'm more tired than I must've assumed...

I look over at my computer and pry it open before sitting down. Looking at the time, I see it says 3:23 am. Apparently, staring at a wall while pondering can pass time... I open up a new browser and click google. The search bar pops up. I begin searching for news websites, seeing if my sister has been arrested. I scroll through the many headlines and photos, praying that I won't find her on there. I hit the bottom of the news page and slowly let out a breath. 

"Ok... so she's not arrested, and most likely not dead." I whisper.

The second thing I do is research deadly servers. Ivory has got to be somewhere extremely deadly; she's been missing for a while! As I click the search button, multiple results pop up, with the most popular one being something called LifeSteal. I clicked on the list of players. 

Parrot, Spoke, Vitalasy, ItzSubz, PrinceZam, Pangi, ClownPierce, Reddoons, Ashswag.

I didn't see Ivory's name, well that much would be obvious. She wouldn't outright show her name on a server list! Nonetheless, after reading up on the place, it seemed perfect for an assassin. The only issue? I don't have a server token. Not that a token would matter if Ivory really were there. Deciding to take a risky leap, I click on the server's join link. I hear a familiar whirring behind me. 

The transporter boots up and glows a cyan color. (That's how people in this world travel to servers.) I stand up from my chair and make my way over to the machine. I nearly step into it before realizing how stupid this could be. What if she isn't there?  Maybe I should leave a note in case Ivory comes back and realizes I'm missing. I might need rescuing if I get stuck.

My bitter thoughts bubble up to the surface. She didn't bother leaving a note. I grit my teeth and step onto the glowing platform. A searing bright light illuminates my vision, and my body feels disoriented. 

(Time skip)

The sunlight creeps through my half-opened eyes. I can feel the soft grass poking into my vest. I fully open my eyes and blink back the exhaustion. A dull throbbing pounds my head. I grunt and sit up. My eyes scan the grassy and forested hills. A nearby lake cuts through the field and splits in two. In the middle of the split, a large tower stands. It seems to be some kind of lookout post, it's not pillager's tower, it's artificial. 

I slowly stand up and get a better look at the place. I'm in some kind of valley... No death, destruction, or people. Some DEADLY server this is. Abruptly, a shimmer catches the corner of my eye. Resting by the river, is a pile of armor and loot, along with half-submerged boats. A fight scene, and a brutal one at that. It is free stuff though...

Cautiously, I look around before creeping up to the items. I watch as the loot absorbs into my inventory. Examining the worn iron armor, I slip it on. The armor protection bar in the corner of my view goes up. I look at the rest of the stuff I picked up. Food, a basic set of iron tools, and a diamond. I'd say that it's a decent set of gear. Things are looking up. Suddenly, I notice the strange watch on my wrist. I tap the device and the screen brightens. A small transparent popup rises from the electronic. Multiple messages can be seen from various player I recognize from the list.

Server: Branzy has joined LifeSteal

ClownPierce: Who is Branzy??

Vitalasy: Idk...

Reddoons: He sounds like free hearts to me!

Spoke: Red this why r server has a bad reputation. 

Reddoons: Says u! U blow up things a lot!

Frightened by the messages, I decide to flee the area. It's cowardly, sure, but that Reddoons guy could kill me! I need gear if I want to search for Ivory risk-free. I dash across the Spawn zone and into the outer fields. My clanking armor echoes in my ears while I run. After a while, I stop and reconsider my method of safety. It's definitely not good to be in plain sight. The helmet obscures my visions quite a bit. I slowly lift off the metal item. All of a sudden, I'm able to see a hint of purple particles to my far left. A nether portal...

Surprised by such an open opportunity, I walk over to the swirling wall of light. Netherite is a strong and useful metal, surely, I could find some in there! I fit my helmet back on and equip my sword. One foot at a time, I enter through the portal. 

All at once, my senses are overwhelmed with the oppressive heat. My stomach churns for a minute while I breathe heavily. I blink multiple times in an attempt to rid the tears and ashes from my eyes. Every lungful of air feels like fire. I didn't prepare any fireproof potions, protective gear, or water. I'm not going to risk entering the overworld again with dangerous people on my trail. Rubbing my eyes, I calm myself down. Lifting my head, I finally got a glimpse of the monstrous hell I've entered. 

A vast ocean of fire encompasses the whole domain. I whip out a pickaxe and turn away from the heat, facing a netherrack wall. I raise the tool above my head and crack into the red material. The weak crimson stone crumbles beneath the steel at a swift pace. Too swift... 

My pickaxe breaks through to the other side of the wall.

And I fell through, into the flaming abyss...

YOOOOO new book sample?! Yes, and it took me 7 hours to write because of my motivation drop. I wish I had more enthusiasm. Welp, hope you beansprouts enjoyed this update! Word count: 1200.

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