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Blood drips from my mouth, splashing up into my fur,

Each droplet a crimson spark in the fading blur.

Horrified stares meet my blood-stained snout,

Eyes widen with fear, whispers churn with doubt.

My jaws snap on flesh, the taste of life and death,

A primal instinct deep, the hunt, the final breath.

But the shock that fills the air, the gasps that turn away,

Make me question my own hunger, the choices that I weigh.

This is my nature, raw and red,

A predator's life, a line that's thread.

Yet the horror in their eyes, the shivers in their skin,

Reflects a fear of darkness, of the beast that lies within.

I hear the murmurs, I sense the growing rage,

As they gather with their torches, an angry, fiery stage.

The chains that once held me are now used to bind,

Not just my limbs, but the rawness in my mind.

I try to cleanse my fur, but the stain won't fade away,

The blood is a reminder, the guilt a heavy gray.

It's not just about the prey, the hunger, or the feast,

It's about the balance, the human and the beast.

So I retreat to my corner, where the shadows hold me tight,

Where the echoes of their anger echo through the night.

I'm no longer just a creature, I'm a monster they despise,

An image of their nightmares, a reflection in their eyes.

Blood drips from my mouth, splashing on the floor,

A reminder of the past, of the battles waged before.

But I know within my heart, beneath the horror and the pain,

There's a spark of something gentle, a hope that might remain.

Perhaps I'll find redemption, perhaps they'll come to see,

That even those who bite can find a way to be free.

But for now, I wear the stain, the blood that marks my sin,

And wait for understanding to grow where hate has been.  

poems of my crumbling mindWhere stories live. Discover now