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May the fourth be with you all!

Today I have found another article (made on April 26) that I haven't seen 


Just surprised me since I just found it. If you guys find any other articles about wattpad, or even posts (outside of wp) then just pm them to me, I would like to see them

Ok, onto what we're actually doing for the day 

So today I had found out that for some users it's going to be at midnight (in UCT) but for users in the US, it's going to be on May 5, 8:00

So I'll definitely be getting the deletion of pms much earlier than some reading this, so we have to put in much more work now

This is the link to what we have been talking about (The FCC law)


This shows everything Wattpad is going to go against

And Wattpad HAS to listen to this, "even if they're in South Korean soil, they're still under the eye of the Canadian government. They follow Canadian law even after the NAVER buyout in 2021."

So wattpad cannot find a loophole in this. They are ignoring us and wanting to take away something that the community wants, something that people use to have conversations.

This is taking away the freedom of speech, Amendment 1 (as the article, FROM THE FCC THEMSELVES, say)

So we need to find a way to get this link to wattpad, message them, tag them on here, go to other social medias and post the link on their post. Do anything to get them to notice.

Y'know, today someone said to 'I'm sorry that the pms are gone. You did your best'

I didn't know what to say to it, except I do now.

I'm not done yet, we still have a day left. I'm not surrendering now, this only sparks the fire and wants me to work harder.

I haven't done my best yet, I'm still working on this and hard. So don't tell me as if I'm done for

We still got a fight to win, don't we?

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