Chapter 1

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Mom & Daughter
Chapter 1
From Mom POV

My name is Sarah, let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm a single mom, and my life and my love for fetishes over the years have thrown me some interesting curves. One of those lovely adjustments that I needed to do was the fact that I use a wheelchair almost permanently, but that doesn't define me. What defines me is my love for life, unexpected experiences and my beautiful daughter.

Physically, I'm 5 foot 10, with cute wavy red hair that always seems to have a mind of its own. People often compliment me on my long legs, a fact that I take pride in since you could say that my first attraction to a woman is her legs.. Despite using a wheelchair, I still love wearing high heels because there's something empowering about rocking a pair of heels that adds a bit of flair to my style.

Sexually I love and need men and women in my life and that adds another layer of complexity to my life. It was one of the reasons for my divorce, love has never been a simple path for me, but it's always been worth exploring. I've learned that love doesn't always fit into neat boxes or follow expected paths. Sometimes, it surprises you when you least expect it. You'll see...

So, here I am, navigating life's twists and turns, open to whatever the universe has in store for me. Little did I know, my life was about to take a turn that would challenge everything I thought I knew about love, sexual connection and the importance or the beauty of some of my fetishes.

Growing up, I developed a deep fascination with injuries, particularly those affecting the legs and ankles. It was very sexual early on in my life. At night alone in my room I would pleasure myself looking at images, videos of men and women in cast and crutches, wheelchairs or recalling in my mind accidents that happened during practices. This interest increased from a combination of factors, including my own experiences with minor and major injuries and a natural curiosity about the human body. I was interested in the medical aspects of these injuries and rehabilitation out of sheer curiosity.

However, over the years, this fascination evolved into something more complex, a deep need to be the patient, the injured one. I developed a love and need for casts and crutches, not just from a medical perspective but also from a recreational one. It's as if I've lived two lives in parallel, the open one as a regular, tall athletic girl and later a woman going about my daily routines, and the other as someone who lived with intense sexual fetishes. I always imagined myself navigating life on crutches, wrapped ankle, leg brace or leg casts.

This secret fetish became a significant part of my life, a source of comfort and sexual excitement that I kept hidden from those closest to me. My ex-wife, my ex-husband, and even my daughter, who is now 20 and married, have never known in detail about these sides of me. It's not something I openly discuss or share, preferring to keep it as my private sanctuary and when I do share, I use various personas.

Being a woman, the beauty of casts and crutches is multifaceted for me. On one hand, there's the practical aspect when I was injured for mobility and medical reasons. On the other hand, there's a more emotional connection, a fascination with the idea of temporary or permanent sexual vulnerability and the strength that comes with controlling my various fetishes.

Despite the secrecy surrounding this aspect of my life at first anyway, I've never felt ashamed of my interests. They're a part of who I am, adding depth and complexity to my identity. And little did I know, these hidden passions were about to intersect with my reality and my daughter's life in ways I never imagined.

My daughter, Hannah, is now 20 years old. She's a bright and ambitious young art teacher, full of dreams and aspirations. From a young age, Hannah showed a passion for the arts, particularly painting and writing. Her creativity knows no limits, and I've always admired her dedication to pursuing her passions the way she wants to do it. From very erotic stories to nude male paintings.

Hannah is also a deeply compassionate person. She has a natural ability to connect with others and has a close-knit group of friends whom she cherishes dearly. Her empathetic nature extends to her volunteer work, where she's involved in various community initiatives, especially those related to health awareness. Mental and physical health and that complicate things with me and my need over the years to be broken or injured intentionally.

Despite her young age, Hannah took a leap of faith and got married a year ago. Her partner, Mark is a kind-hearted individual who shares her love for creativity, adventure and I'm sure others interests that me, the mom, does not know about. Together, they make a dynamic duo, supporting each other through life's ups and downs.

However, there's a side of me that Hannah doesn't know about. She's aware of my wheelchair use and the challenges I face but not my love to be in my wheelchair and turn heads everywhere I roll. She's never known of my secret interests in injuries, casts, and crutches. I've always shielded her from this part of my life, not wanting to burden her with something that may be difficult to understand or even accept.

Our relationship is built on love and trust, and I cherish every moment we spend together. While I keep this aspect of myself hidden, I also wonder how she would react if she ever discovered these secret fetishes of mine. Would she understand, or would it be a source of confusion and discomfort? As Hannah continues to navigate adulthood and build her own life, I find myself pondering these questions, unsure of whether it's time to reveal this hidden part of myself to her or not. She never broke any bones or needed crutches in her life for any reason, would she understand?

In my case life had a way of shaping me, sometimes in unexpected ways. For me, it was a series of accidents and multiple broken bones that led me to where I am today, in either full leg braces and crutches or my sexy wheelchair, a choice I made for myself by using my wheelchair almost all the time.

It all started with a clear understanding of the injuries potential of competitive gymnastics from a very young age. Varies sprains and fractures to both legs and ankles. A skiing accident for my sweet 16 birthday badly broke my right leg. The worst accident was a terrible motorcycle accident, the impact was severe, resulting in a fractured femur and multiple breaks in both legs. The road to recovery was long and challenging, marked by surgeries, leg casts and rehabilitation sessions. Despite the setbacks, I remained determined to regain some of my mobility and independence.

It's almost impossible for me to clearly explain my total sexual excitement of spending close to a year in various leg casts and crutches. I felt tall, beautiful and sexy on my crutches with lovely long leg casts.

Over the years, however, additional accidents followed, each one leaving its mark on my legs and ankles. The fractures and breaks became a recurring pattern. One of the consequences was peripheral neuropathy, leading to the inevitable use of full leg braces and crutches for mobility. It was a lovely transitional use of my long legs.

Eventually, I faced a choice, continue using crutches and long leg braces or opt for a wheelchair for mobility. After careful consideration and discussions with my doctor, I chose the wheelchair. It was a decision based on practicality since if you combine the condition of my legs, nerves and diabetes, it was only a question of time. After modification of my house, my wheelchair allows me to navigate my daily life with greater ease and comfort. Let's be honest, if you look at my photos, I think I look decent in my chair at least I try.

Contrary to what some may assume, my wheelchair isn't a symbol of limitation; in a way it's the opposite. It's opened up new possibilities. The decision to transition from crutches and long leg braces to a wheelchair was not made lightly

As I roll towards my office ramp, I take pride in my appearance. High heel shoes, hair in a neat ponytail. Ascending the ramp, I maintain a steady pace, my movements fluid, making sure I navigate the incline efficiently. It's a routine part of my day, but it also serves as a reminder of the importance of inclusive design in the workplace.

From crutches, casts, leg braces and my daughter Hannah, I have a constant source of support and laughter, she's called Diana. It's a sunny afternoon when my phone rings, and I see Diana's name flashing on the screen. Without hesitation, I answer, greeted by her familiar voice filled with warmth and excitement.

Chapter 2 to come

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