Incorrect quotes 22

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(Just like the last chapter)

Makoto: Everyone in their friend group have these types of people

Hiro/Leon/Mondo/Syo/Junko: We feel like doing dumb stuff, We then think of actually doing dumb stuff,and then we actually do the dumb stuff

Chihiro/Hifumi/Kyoko/Sayaka/Toko: We see them doing the dumb stuff, We encourage them to keep doing it and then we pull out our phones and record them

Hina/Makoto/Byakuya/Celestia:  We see them do the dumb stuff,We move far enough to be safe from the dumb stuff, Then we watch them do the dumb stuff in a safe distance to enjoy it

Mukuro/Taka: We see them doing the dumb stuff, Our responsibility senses kick in,We jump into their dumb stuff, We stop them doing the dumb stuff then we punish them for doing the dumb stuff

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