Incorrect quotes 23

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Leon: What's up,Hiro?

Hiro: WHY are there so many letters in Wednesday?

Leon:...You're right

Hiro: It's spelled Wed-e-nes-day

Kyoko:...Why are words words?

Makoto: Uh oh

Junko: We're losing her

Kyoko: Why are names names?

Makoto: Code PURPLE! I repeat Code PURPLE!

Junko: Hiro what have you done!

Kyoko: Then why isn't her name pronounced "Muk-Q-ro"?

Taka: Kyoko! Wait-?

Leon/Celestia: "Muk-Q-ro"....! Do you mean Mukuro?

Mukuro: Oh HELL no

Leon/Hiro: Uh...She's looking at us...She's looking at us!

Hiro: I haven't seen that look in months

Leon: But...why is she looking at us, and not at Kyoko?

Toko: Because you were the cause to the effect

Leon: Don't bring your poetics into this

Toko: That was science class terminology, but sure

Mondo: Like how there's science behind your STUPIDITY?

Byakuya: I feel like that's counter intuitive Mondo, but if you wanna make a hypothesis

Celestia: Can we like...NOT Dr.Stone this shit right now?

Leon: Dudes, Should we run for our lives now?

Mondo: I dunno

Hiro: I think we're fine....Okay she's frowning now, SHE'S FROWNING

Mukuro: Run


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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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