I guess this is how we have always been

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Nikki pov:

I am sure I did better than her on this test she couldn't have beat me this time and also i am better than that bitch.

*bell rings*

"Okay, so class I've graded your papers and let me tell you I am so disappointed in your performances most of you failed this paper you have got to realise that your psychology finals aren't going to be this easy. you NEED to work hard." says our teacher Mr.Rajesh 

"does he realise that the reason we fail is because of how much he sucks at teaching.  the amount of irrelevant examples this man gives us while teaching us is to be considered criminal" adds Sanvi 

Mr. Rajesh starts distributing the papers he's so slow at distributing them he calls out my name i go up to take my paper and I got a 95!!! and Nora GOT A 97?

how is that possible? ugh. I was so sure I did better than her.

"not so high and mighty now are we ?" she says with a smirk 

"It's just a 2-point difference it's really not as much as you think"

"Sure honey keep telling yourself that, we both know who's the better one here" she replies and walks away.


"hey look it's okay I'm sure you'll do a hundred times better than her the next time we have a test at least you're not a dick like her" says my friend.

Nora' s pov:

I know that Nikki is always trying to beat me at whatever I do but the truth is that she's never going to be able to because I am better than her and always will be.

"I can't believe I failed again I'm telling you Mr Rajesh some issue with me he quite literally wants me out of the school." says Rahul cutting me out of my thoughts 

"he doesn't fail you because he hates you he fails you because you do not study" I reply 

"so you  do agree that he hates me" 

"Yeah and I hate you too"

*end of Nora's POV*

and slowly and finally the first hour ends. the day goes on with boring classes which seem to never end.

 the lunch bell finally  rings 

during lunch Nikki, Sanvi and Aryan eat downstairs under the big tree but since Aryan couldn't be here because he's busy doing something Aryan it's just Nikki and Sanvi. they sit under the shade of the big tree.

they're peacefully eating their lunch when Nikki spots her 

"Ugh. isn't it horrible enough that I see her in class every hour but now she decides to make herself visible to me when I'm eating lunch?!"

"just stop paying attention to her it gets you worked up for no reason." says Sanvi.

"I'll try I guess." 

"Can I finish your lunch for you ?" asks Sanvi 

"Yeah sure I wouldn't be able to finish this all by myself anyway"

after eating lunch Nikki and Sanvi decide to take a walk. They're walking giggling and cracking stupid jokes as if that's not what they always do.

"watch out" someone says 

it catches the duo's attention and a ball heading straight to Nikki's face. she closes her eyes to feel the impact but, it never came.

she opens her eyes and someone says 

"Can you ever take care of yourself "

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