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tw// SLIGHT fluf, agent!au, not minor friendly.

    It's already been 9 years since all media platforms announced that the two known and highly paid assassins in Korea named Jiana Levine also known as Agent 05 and Rainier Nevoselt who's also known as 95 is dead due to the reason of killing each other.

At least that's what the media know, "Pa!! Mama told me to wake you, hurry up now!" Ina said as he woke her father, Rain up.

Rain soon woke up as he carried his daughter, on the way downstairs to meet his lovely wife already preparing the table for the three of them. "What did you cook sweetheart?" Rain asked as he comes close to his wife, still carrying their child in his arms as he gave his wife a peck on his forehead.

"The usuals, fried rice, kimchi and galbi with a coffee for you and a milk for this baby." Jian said as she pats their daughter's head earning a sweet giggle from her and sweet chuckles from her husband.

As the family finished eating and finally cleaning up, Jian's phone started ringing as she answered it with a smile on her face knowing who it is.

"Gorgeous! I missed you so much, what's up?" Jian asked as the caller on the other line simply just chuckled at her cuteness. While Jian's on the phone, Rain is helping Ina to clean up since Rain will be the one driving Ina to school before going to work.

Just as Jian finished talking to someone from her phone, she looks at both of her daughter and husband as they are ready to leave as she gave the both of them a peck on their cheeks, "Darling I just want to inform you that your sister is coming today." Jian said as Rain just nod at her as she escorted the two of them in the door of their house. "Stay safe babies!"

[ A Few Hours, Jian's Perspective. ]

Just as I finished cleaning the whole house as I heard a knock indicating that someone is visiting and finally here.

"Ziel! " I cheerfully said as we both hug each other tightly. It's been a while since we talked to each other due to her being busy to her stuffs and me being busy too, being a normal wife and mother I always wanted to be. I took Ziel inside our living room as we both talk about how their lives are going.

[ 9 years ago, third person's perspective. ]

After the conversation between Jian and Commander Kim, Ziel excused herself as her duty with the commander ended.

She was thinking upon how she will talk to Jian without making it look suspicious and while walking home she bump into someone very familiar.

"Jian! It's you, just in time I need to talk to you." Ziel said as she took Jian to somewhere, a headquarter that seems unfamiliar for the girl, "Why'd you bring me here? What's happening?" Jian asked as Ziel started explaining Jian everything.

"So, your father and brother isn't responsible for my parents' death?" Jian asked making Ziel nod, "They trained you good enough to fight with either me or my brother, when they found out you're going to leave they brainwashed you by saying our allay did all the bomb attacks but in reality it was them who bomb their own quarters and hide their weapons and money so they can blame it all to our allays."

"That's why I decided to risk my life and join them, I wanted to clear our allay's name and of course give justice to my father." Ziel paused, looking at Jian who's already tearing up as she hug her,  "I know it's hard but you have to continue your mission to them. Let's plan this all out and after this, I promise you that you and my brother will have a good and normal life." Ziel said, assuring her as Jian find it so sincere to decline.

As soon as Ziel called Rain thru the monitor just to avoid being suspicious from their commanders, they started to brainstorm all of their ideas on how they will do in their plan.

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