Lesson 22

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I opened my eyes to see the sun peaking through the curtains I looked down to see my whole body laying on Andreas yesterday was great the date to the food to the makeout.

Seeing Rafael didn't ruin nothing but now I know something is up because why are we always in the same place. I looked at Andreas his breathing was calming we haven't slept in the same bed in so long i didn't want to wake him up but I had to get dressed for my meeting.

I tried to get up just to see his brown eyes open right away he was a light sleeper.

" hi Tavia" he said with his deep voice i loved his morning voice

" hi i didn't mean to wake you up I'm sorry"

" it's fine go get ready for your meeting" he told me

i got up smiling he slapped my ass hard making me look back and mug him just for him  to laugh.

I did my morning routine and put on my white suit I had to handle business with my new restaurant and my mom wanted to tag along after my meeting so that was fine.

I went downstairs to see blueberry waffles and fruit with eggs on the table.

" when did you learn how to start cooking I'm not mad at all but I just wanna know who's been teaching you?" I asked him taking a seat

" I um been asking my mom it's helping me get the confidence to tell them how i feel but I think when my next session is with Jasmine I'm going to ask them to come I feel that's the only way I'm gonna do it I don't know is that sad?"

" no not at all you feel most comfortable in that setting and it's not a problem at all baby we have our session tomorrow together again I'm happy actually" I told him

The food was really good he was definitely showing his actions and I loved it.

" how is the new building going?"

" it's going good I have all my employees so that's good the organization is getting together I'm happy we found a way to do this" Andreas said

" I'm happy for us and I hate to bring this up but Rafael yesterday that was weird right?"

" yea and Kira this shit has to stop I might get a case against them but I don't have enough yet but I will soon baby"

" I trust you that you can take care of this I have enough with my dad"

" I know it's getting close you gotta go I don't want you late" Andreas told me

I got up and my put stuff away before going to him he grabbed my chin and kissed my lips softly his hands started to move towards my ass i pulled away smiling.

" nope don't go there bye I will text you later" I told him leaving out the door.


" I'm very happy I chose you this tastes amazing" Mr.DuPont said praising me

" thank and really I'm honored"

" I got word your opening a new restaurant and I would like to help"

" thank you so much"

Yes I had the money to Make sure my whole restaurant was how I wanted but someone helping out was always very nice and I'm great-full no matter how much money I had.

" I can't wait to see what you do with it Octavia you're gonna make great things with this restaurant I can feel it I don't know what's your motivation behind it but I see it's pushing you" Mr DuPont told me

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