Lesson 23

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" it's nice to see you guys again together I'm glad we are gonna continue with our solo Sessions but let's catch up are you ready?"

I looked at Octavia who was a little down after yesterday I rushed home so fast and I never seen her like that we didn't even talk about it I had to go into help mode.

" yes" I told Jasmine

" I'm ready" Octavia told her

" good now tell me after our solo sessions and our together sessions do you feel you guys have gotten closer?"

" yes i think it's actually good working on our relationship while also healing some stuff we go through separately" Octavia told her

" mhm very good and what about you Andreas?"

" I agree"

" I see now tell me have you guys went on a date or did anything without your child?" Jasmine asked

" yea I took her on a pottery date and we got pizza and sat in a park it was nice" I said with a smile still thinking about it

" yes I feel I needed to be with just him because usually after you have a kid the attention is all on them and we kind of forget that we are still partners we still have to make time for each other" Octavia said

" good observation Octavia. tell me how was life after Serenity?"

" it—"

" one second Andreas I want Octavia to tell me she's a little quiet today"

" well um after I gave birth our attention was on our baby girl it was our first child and we really wanted to be good parents and on top of that we take work very seriously so it's like we took care of our child and our business but not each other we were married but yet it's like we forgot about each other"

" well it's very common between parents to do that so don't feel bad and it was always your first child but you have to keep the marriage watered it's a saying I like to use you keep it watered by spending time together, talking and doing stuff as a family and alone also sex"

Sex we haven't had sex in a long time.

" judging by the looks on your faces I'm gonna ask we are all adults so when was the last time you had sex?"

Octavia looked at me before looking away making me rub my face me and Octavia shared a real kiss again on our date so think about how long since we had sex.

" it's been long" I told Jazmine

" have more dates and be a family but I say reconnect sexually Learn each other body's again right now you guys are learning each other soul and mind now it's time to water that sex part in a relationship and don't force it"

" how do you have time to water the sex part when it's so much going on in our lives and we're trying our best?" Octavia asked

" good question don't just have sex because you wanna reconnect fast you guys are you still learning you are still learning to trust again take time with each other give messages do a painting on each other cook together just touch softly work up that sexual tension between you guys"

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