15 - Secrets in Plain Sight

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My heart swings back and forth between the need to lash out in anger and the desire to melt into the shadows and disappear entirely. I sit in the classroom, feeling the weight of the second prince's gaze like chains around my wrists. His calm demeanor only fuels the fire within me, the rage threatening to consume everything in its path. How dare he sit there, so composed, so infuriatingly calm, as if he hasn't single-handedly turned my world upside down? He knows. He knows about me and Niki, about the night that was supposed to be a secret stolen from the watchful eyes of the court. And with that knowledge comes a terrifying uncertainty – what will he do with it?

My mind races with possibilities, each one more dreadful than the last. Will he expose me? Will he use this information to blackmail me, to turn me into his personal puppet? Or worse, will he use it against Niki, putting the rebellion, and the man I've come to care for, in even greater danger?

The whispers around me fade into a dull hum as I clench and unclench my fists under the desk. I can't let him know he's rattled me. I can't let him see the fear that's slowly seeping into my bones. Taking a deep breath, I force myself to focus on the lesson at hand, on the practiced movements and strategies being demonstrated. But my mind keeps replaying the prince's words, dissecting them, searching for a hidden meaning.

Loyalty to my father... or a more personal interest in a certain rebel. His words were laced with a cruel amusement, a knowing glint in his eyes that sent shivers down my spine. I wish I could disappear. Melt into the shadows like a wraith, become invisible to the watchful eyes of his. But the weight of responsibility, the oath I swore to protect the crown, keeps me rooted to the spot.

The bell finally rings, signaling the end of the lesson. I gather my belongings, my movements mechanical. As I exit the classroom, the second prince brushes past me, his eyes lingering on mine for a fleeting moment. A single word escapes his lips, barely a whisper, "Watch yourself." It's a chilling warning, a reminder of the dangerous game I'm playing. But I'm not one to shrink like a frightened rabbit. This prince, with his arrogance and veiled threats, has underestimated me. He thinks he can dangle my secret like a puppet on a string, but I won't be his pawn. One word from the king and he'll be done for. 

"Are you okay?" Aera's voice makes me pause as she runs to me, her hair tousled and a worried frown etched on her face. "You look pale as a ghost, Nyx." I wince, her words hitting closer to home than I'd like to admit. Nothing. The second prince is just threatening to expose my secret and I could end up executed or worse. My heart hammers against my ribcage at the thought, a shiver running down my spine. 

"Just a headache," I mutter, forcing a smile that feels wobbly at best. "Too much swordsmanship practice, I suppose." The lie tastes bitter on my tongue, but I force it out nonetheless. I can't burden Aera with the weight of my fears, not when she has worries of her own to contend with. 

Aera studies me for a moment, her brow furrowed in concern. "Maybe you should take it easy for a while," she suggests, her voice soft with genuine concern. "You've been pushing yourself too hard lately." I almost blurt out the truth right then and there. The dam holding back my anxieties threatens to burst, the need to confide in someone overwhelming. Take it easy?  The irony stings. Here I am, living a double life, constantly walking a tightrope over a bottomless void, and Aera suggests I take it easy over a supposed headache. "Ronan still bothers you?" 

"He doesn't," I force myself to stop the smile from slipping, though it feels strained and false. Ronan doesn't bother me anymore because he knows I'm not too easy like the thought I am. And well, he knows I'm going to use him sooner or later after all those times he underestimated me and beat me up as if he was entitled to just because I'm a half-breed. But that's a secret I'll keep close to my chest for now, a weapon to be wielded when the time is right. Besides, I have bigger things to worry about than a bully with a bruised ego. "I can handle Ronan. I just need some rest, that's it."

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