55 | A group discussion

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I gathered the core members of my mafia in a dimly lit back room, the air thick and congested with the smoke of Cuban cigars and the scent of whiskey. We sat around a heavy oak table, a game of cards spread out, our faces individually illuminated by the soft glow of an overhead light. Alessio, Lorenzo, and the other key players were all there, discussing recent events and strategizing their next moves.

The atmosphere was tense yet casual, with everyone contributing ideas on how to navigate the current turmoil. One of the men, a burly enforcer named Marco, leaned forward, his cigar dangling from his lips. "We need to focus on the bigger picture," he said, his voice gravelly. "No distractions. We can't let anything or anyone derail us."

Alessio, ever the opportunist, saw a chance to shift the conversation. He placed his cards down, his eyes flicking to me a small smirk playing on his lips before he spoke. "Speaking of distractions," he said, his tone calculated, "what about Diana? She's been around a lot lately."

The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Alessio. He continued, "She's got Dante's attention. Maybe too much of it. We can't afford to have him sidetracked by... personal matters."

My eyebrows furrowed, and a glare shot his way as I restrained myself from shutting him down right then and there. The other men began to murmur in agreement, nodding and voicing their concerns.

"Yeah," another voice chimed in, "we need to stay focused. There's too much at stake."

"Diana's presence is a liability," someone else added. "We can't let anything jeopardize our operations."

Alessio leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. "We need to be careful," he said, looking directly at me. "If there's any sign of weakness, our enemies will pounce. We can't afford any loose ends." The suggestion to use Diana as an example felt like a veiled threat from Alessio.

My mind raced, anger filling me as I listened to the conversation unfold but I knew I had to tread carefully. As the discussions continued, the tension in the room grew palpable. My gaze swept over each man at the table, noting their reactions, their body language, and the subtle shifts in their demeanor. I needed to determine who could be trusted and who might be working against me.

Finally, I spoke, my voice calm but firm. "Diana is not a distraction. She's under my protection, and that won't change. We deal with our enemies directly, not by turning on our own."

The men around the table nodded, some more reluctantly than others. I knew the seed of doubt had been planted, but I also knew I couldn't show any weakness. I needed to stay vigilant, to continue scoping out who he could trust and who might be the snitch.

As the meeting drew to a close, the men returned to their card game, the conversation shifting to lighter topics. But the undercurrent of suspicion remained, and I knew that this was only the beginning of chaos.

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