Chapter 22

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Hey guys!

Sorry for the late update, but I'll try to stick to the schedule of uploading once a week. Also how do we feel about Imola?

I woke up to the warm rays of sunlight hitting my face.

"Slept well, love?", Lando said with a raspy voice, hovering over me.

"Could've been better", I replied, gladly accepting the sandwich he shoved in my face.

"We will make our way to the paddock in a bit, better get ready" "and, he lifted up a finger, I want you to be careful okay, If you're not feeling well, go home baby its okay"

"Don't worry Lan, I am a grown woman, I can handle this", I said, while getting up to shower.

"Nevermind, help me please?", I begged him with puppy eyes, noticing I needed a bit of help with showering.

We got ready together. I was dressed in Mercedes merch from head to toe but with a Mclaren man by my side. I was feeling a lot better already but not completely fine. We made our way to the track and I accepted all the warm welcomes and health wishes. I was instantly torn to the interviewers by my PR manager, without getting the chance to say goodbye to Lando.

"So Ms. Wolff, we've already gained information since a statement has been published, is there anything else you might want to tell us about the crash and your current health state?"

I figured it would be better to answer quickly and get this over with. I know most of them don't mean it, but those questions feel kind of intruding.

"Yeah, no I mean it was unfortunate for sure, I don't blame Lance for anything and I am already starting to feel better. I'm trying to take everything slow but I still want to spend my day on the paddock, that's very dear to me"

"Okay thank you so much, get well soon!"

"Yes, thank you", I answered now quickly rushing back to Lando.

"Hey Hey stop the running around", he warned me.

"I know, I know. Maybe I will stop by at the Mclaren garage and watch you win no?"

"You know I appreciate that but take it slow, I love you!", Lando demanded.

"I promise. You will do good out there, you're in good form have fun love!", we kissed each other goodbye.

Before I made my way to the Mercedes garage, I stopped by Daniels garage, hoping too meet Tea.

"Oh my god no, I did not want to see that", I exclaimed as I caught them in a middle of a makeout session. "I'll tell dad to take your contract back", I laughed.

"SORRY, no, no ,no" Daniel rushed around. "Forget what you just saw", his hands fidgeted around in the air while he laughed right in my face.

"Care to lend me Tea for a sec?", I grinned, him already guiding her towards me.

"So its going good I assume?", I asked her with a smile.

"Obviously", she rolled her eyes cheekily. "But enough of that, how are you even doing?? That was wild."

"Don't worry I'm okay. It was painful of course, but that's exactly what we're trained for. I'm sure I'll be back for Miami!"

"Good god, you don't even know, I was so worried, but sorry for not reaching out earlier. We will go out for dinner as an excuse, you're not allowed to say no"

"Okay, okay", I laughed, a wide smile forming on my face. "I mean, at least I know why you're busy I guess", I winked.

"ELLA", she hit my side playfully.

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