Prema being Prema #4

323 4 21

Humanity's despair

René added Angelina and Paul 😎 to Humanity's despair

René: Angelina, help, I don't want to be the only adult here

Oscar: we are all adults here tho?

Kimi: ???

Logan: you're an exception + you're still more mature than Arthur

Kimi: that's not a compliment though

Arthur: THE FUCK???

Angelina: what is this?

Angelina: also, stop swearing

Dennis: hell

Arthur: a groupchat :D

Dennis: run while you can

Angelina: why?

Paul 😎: oh god no I'm back here again


Paul 😎: fine, you make this hell more bearable 😒

Rob: not that believable 🙄🙄

Rob: just kidding, missed you fr c:

Paul 😎: missed you too!

Mick: oh my god hi Paul!! 👋😄

Paul 😎: hi Mick!!! :DD

Angelina: you're telling me we could've had all of this to post to YouTube?

Angelina: I wouldn't have to keep coming up with ideas all the time 🥹

Ollie: sorry I guess? :')

Angelina: you all are going to suffer for this in our next video

Rob: guess I'm saved then B)

Angelina: no, I'm bringing you
back here, no one's safe

René: uh oh

Dennis: what do you mean by that

Rob: you don't want to get on the bad side of Angelina

Fred: she can decide your fate in all the videos of Prema, it's terrifying

Angelina: it's okay, Robert and Paul already gave us so much material that it's still reusable years later


Olli: I don't think that's a compliment


Rob: we could make a podcast for the Prema channel and just talk about random bullshit, Paul, and it'd still be awesome

Paul 😎: hell yea we should do that

Paul 😎: also, when are you coming to visit?

Rob: I can't, you work at Alpine

Oscar: imagine working at Alpine

Rob: people will think I'm passing you important information or something, given that I work for Ferrari

Paul 😎: fuck that's true

Angelina: you could meet at the Prema garage, it'd be fine

Paul 😎: why

Mick: she knows where you live

Paul 😎: wait what

Dennis: she does

Arthur: I do too, I'm in Dennis' walls atm 😌😌

Dennis: the fuck??

Angelina: I give up

Rob: where Arthur??

Arthur: in Dennis' walls? can you not read??? 🤨

Rob: in Dennis' walls, interesting 👀

Dennis: I want to disappear from this conversation

Olli: it's no use Robert, I've been third-wheeling for years and they're blind 😔

Arthur: ???

Olli: nothing

Rob: we'll have to try something

Arthur: I don't get it

Olli: good. also yea good luck ig

Rob: I'll go make a plan now >:) Paul come help me

Paul 😎: omw 😌

Dennis: ???


2021 Prema was awesome

Off to disappear now until I gather the motivation to put together a chapter next week, bye guys! 👋

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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