Chapter 1: The start of a never ending hellhole.

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(We see a 16 year old male, Sleeping? When sitting the way he is??)

              (We zoom into his head)

???: You know, Mason, You are FAILING the reason you were brought into this world.  So you are failing mother.

Mason:  *Covers ears* Nice try, M. It's not working. Not... *grunts* H-Happening- N-ot A-Again.

M: *Snaps fingers*

Mason: ARGH! St-Stop! It hurts!

M: *Laughs*  Oh Mason, Did you not get it yet? You can't get rid of that little, small, dot of reassurance in your head. I'm always here. You cannot get rid of something that's a part of you.

Mason: Ngh..Y-You.. A-re, n-not! ME!! I- Re-fuse to- to believe that something like YOU i-is PART OF ME! Your just- just some entity- Wh-Who takes control- O-Of me!

M: *Snaps fingers* You still didn't get the memo, yet? I. Am. You. A better version, of you.  An image of what mother wanted.

Mason: No! NO! I'm not gonna let you do what you always- d-do!

M: *Snaps fingers once more* I feel you slipping~

Mason: ARGH! NGH- No! N-Not again! N-Never A-A-GAIN *SCREAMS OF PURE AGONY* ... *Falls down and sleeps*

M: Yes, That's right.

Mason: Mgh..

M: No. No, No, No.  Shut the hell up.. *Puts hand over his mouth*

             (Mason's restful body thuds to
                     the "ground")

(M slithers into Mason's body)

"Mason": *Laughs*   *Laughs louder* I can't wait. *Laughs maniacally* Jaylee's house up next. Time for the little Maniac to come home.

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