Chapter 2: The little maniac.

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(We see a girl, just about the same age as Mason, glaring at her phone, blushing at her boyfriend's texts)

The girl: *Sighs* Noah.  Wō de áirén. (My beloved in Chinese)

("Mason" knocks on the door)

The girl: Mûqīn, (mom in Chinese) can you answer, please?

Mûqīn: Of course, Jaylee! Oh. Yes, come in, come in. *Opens door*

"Mason": *Walks to Jaylee's room*  Hey Jaylee.

(Jaylee's eyes widen. We zoom into her    head.)

???: I sense him. My master.

Jaylee: I'm telling you, J, whoever you refer to and obey as "master," isn't here. Just stop bugging me.

J: *Reveals true form* L3T MÈ 0ÚT!

Jaylee: *eyes widen* *takes a deep breath* 

(She closes her eyes, and soon finds herself glaring at Mason)

J: Just you wait and see, Jaylee Crowne. Master will set me free himself~

"Mason": *Laughs softly* You're a bit too cute. I love how you zone out.

Jaylee: Uhm.. You know I have a boyfriend, Mason.

"Mason": Oh right, Sorry Jaylee.

Jaylee: Anyway, How are you??

"Mason": I'm more than all right.

Jaylee: You know, you've been acting weird this past week. Is it your dad, again?

"Mason" (POV): Crap, I don't know anything about his father!

"Mason": None of your business.

Jaylee: ... Sorry! *Covers ears* GAH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!

(In her head)

J: L3T MÈ 0ÚT! L3T MÈ 0ÚT! L3T MÈ 0ÚT! L3T. MÈ. 0ÚT!

"Mason": *Laughs* What's wrong? Something in your head? *Snaps Fingers*

Jaylee: GAH! ENOUGH!

M: I know you hear her. Let her out, Jaylee. Stop trying to resist her.


M: *Snaps fingers again* do not make this harder than it needs to be, Jaylee, dear.

Jaylee: EEK *Starts crying* IT- IT HURTS SO MUCH!

M: *Snaps fingers again* It hurts, doesn't it? Just stop resisting. *Locks door and soundproofs it with magic*

Jaylee: GODDAMN IT! *Mumbles* I-I don't think I can resist for much longer.. But I have to try...

M: You're getting a bit too tired. I don't think you can hold it any longer. *Snaps fingers*

Jaylee: *strains her screams* *breathes simultaneously*

M: *Snaps fingers than clenches fist* *Laughs* Your lowering your guard. She told me.

Jaylee: N-Nice try. *Breathes deeply* Out. Now.

M: What?! How did you-

Jaylee: I was taught to do this by Mûqīn. So don't try.

M: Oh. That's okay. I love a bit of a challenge. *Snaps and clenches fist twice*

Jaylee: *Screams of pure pain* Hm.. *falls to the ground.*

(Same as Mason, J wriggles into Jaylee's body. Her eyes start glowing)

J:  *Laughs Maniacally* Ahhh! It feels so good to be free!

M: *Laughs softly* Yes, hello, my little maniac. *Kisses her cheek*

J: You have no idea how much I missed you, master!

M: I missed you too. Did you bring what I asked of you?

J: Of course~ "My dad" gave it to me with no hesitation!

M: Good job, my dear. *Puts his hand over her cheek*

J: *Blushes* !*m V3®¥ #@pp¥ tø b3 fr33¡

M: A bit too excited. Just relax. Breathe to stop the glitching, please.

J: *Breathes* Okay. I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm. Calm.

M: Anyway, we have to go.

J: Get Lith?

M: Mhm. *Mumbles* Turns out she isn't as oblivious as I thought. But she's still the most obedient demon I've met.

J: Can we go? Pleaseee??

M (POV): Demons think I baby her too much.. But I don't think that's true. *Smiles*

M: Sure. *Lets out hand*

(She takes it, and they start walking)

J: I'm soo excited!

(She feels Jaylee taking control back)


M: Oh... Shit!

Jaylee: Out.

M: *Walks out of the house* I'll be leaving, now, Ms. Crowne.

Ms. Crowne: Oh? Bye, Mason. Jaylee is going out with you, Michelle, and Kang Haerin, tomorrow, right?

M: Yes she is. I'll call them to let them know that she's coming.

Jaylee: Yeah, whatever, bye Mason.

("Mason" closes the door to Jaylee's room with magic)

M: I'll see you soon, my little maniac. *Grins and eyes glow brighter*

Jaylee: *eyes widen*... *Looks away*

Jaylee: *Sighs* His demon is something else.

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