No one will notice I'm gone

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Inojin was practicing his mind transfer in a flower field when Himawari snuck up behind him.

"Ah, Hima, you scared me." "What are you doing out here by yourself, you're not usually one to wander off." " Well, I wanted to practice my mind transfer some more."" What are you practicing on? The flowers.""Ha, ha very funny. I want to increase the time I can hold it. I know I've gotten better since I was a genin but I still need more practice.""Why don't you practice on me?""Are you sure?" "Of course!!""Okay"Inojin put up the hand signs for the jutsu then he was in. Inojin tried to find anything to focus on in Himawari's mind to help him maintain the jutsu. He was looking through her memories when he found one from a few years back. She was on Boruto's back and spinning her around. But suddenly the memory changed and Boruto was replaced with Kawaki. Then he went to the next memory and the same thing happened. Then he came across a memory of himself and Boruto playing together. But again the memory was changing again and Boruto was now Kawaki. He knew this memory well, he knew it was Boruto with him that day. Inojin closed his eyes and focused hard on that memory when reopened his eyes. Boruto was back in the memory. Now he knows what he has to do. He found the source of the charging memory's and destroyed it. He stops the mind transfer and is left huffing on the ground. "Inojin, are you okay?"" I'm fine Hima, how are you feeling."" I feel fine, but it feels like I just woke up from a dream.""We were both under a genjutsu." Inojin tries to sit up on the grass. "Hey, take it easy your breathings all out of wack" she gently lays him back down. " I know what I need to do now.""What's that?"" I need to get to Eida and stop her. She must be behind this.""Are you crazy? Do you not realize how powerful she is."" but if I do nothing I couldn't forgive myself." Inojin stood up wobbling from side to side. Himawari stood up as well and held onto Inojin. "Thanks.""Are you sure you want to face up against Eida?""Yes, I can't sit here knowing the truth and do nothing about it.""Then I'm coming with you.""No, I can't put you in danger Hima. We just woke up from a three year dream, I need to fix this.""But you don't need to do this alone. What if something happens to your body, someone needs to be there.""Fine but stay out of sight. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt.""Deal now lets go." "Right."They begin jumping through the trees to the house Eida has been staying in."Can I ask you something Inojin."" What is it."" What would happen if you can't undo the dream."" Well my mom told me, it's really dangerous to use my jutsu this way since there's a chance your mind can't reconnect to your body."Himawari stops on a tree breach "What the hell Inojin""What's wrong?""Your asking me what's wrong? You're risking your life doing this, you're risking everything!" " I know but it's worth the risk if it means everyone gets their lives back. I'm only one person, no one will notice I'm gone.""Damit Inojin I'll notice you're gone, your parents will notice you're gone." Himawari was crying at this point. "It's okay Hima," he hugs her. "I will try my absolute hardest to return to you."She nods, wiping away her tears. They stopped when they heard the second story door open, then Eida came out. Ino grabs her hands, "Listen once I'm in mind transfer, I'm going to try and release Shikadai and Chubs first. Go to them and they will be able to help you if anything goes wrong." " okay,"Inojin readied his hand sign before catching Eida's gaze. His body fell back against Himawari as he entered his mind transfer jutsu. "Be safe Inojin."Himawari gently laid Inojin on her back and began running to meet up with the rest of team ten. Inside the village streets Shikadai collapsed while on patrol with Cho-Cho."Shikadai are you alright.""What just happened?" He asked while standing up. His eyes widened. The tapered memories were restored. Suddenly Cho-Cho fell to his knees. " Cho-cho!""I'm fine, why do I feel like I just woke up from a dream."" I think we've been under a genjutsu. Wait a minute, have you heard from Inojin today?""No I haven't, Himawari went out to look for him earlier."" In any case I need to tell my dad, you go find yours."Shikadai made his way to the hokage's office. He opens the door going straight to his dad behind the desk. "Shikadai? I thought you were on patrol.""I was but something came up.""Is Boruto trying to get into the village.""About that. Dad Boruto is not the enemy! We've been under a genjutsu since the attack on the village.""Shikadai your not making sense right now. Of course Boruto is the enemy, he destroyed our village."" No dad, you are just made to think that. Someone released the genjutsu on me and Cho-Cho. I need you to believe me."" How can I trust my own son when he is feeding me false information."Shikamaru stands up from behind the desk readying the hand sign for the shadow paralysis jutsu. "Damit I guess it won't be as easy as I thought."Getting ready to avoid his dad's attack. "Dad come to your senses." Shikadai screams and he puts out a kunai from his leg pouch. The fight between the two Nara's has moved to the street in front of the hokage building where Shikamaru is about to attack Shikadai with a kunai and Shikadai couldn't move because he was trapped in his father's shadow jutsu. Shikamaru had the kuni to Shikadai's throat when he suddenly stops and falls to the ground releasing the jutsu in the process. Dad!" Shikadai joins his dad on the ground."What just happened, why was I just attacking you?""We've been under a genjutsu since the village was attacked. Someone's been releasing people. "Someone had the whole village under a genjutsu?""It seems like it.""Damit. How could I not figure it out."" It's been three years and no one has broken it, it's not up to you to figure it out. We don't know who is releasing everyone so we still need to stay alert."" Let's head back to the office, maybe we can get more information there."They were about to turn back to the office when someone called out Shikadais name. "Himawari!" The Nara's stopped, letting her catch up. "Hey, is everything okay, was he able to release the genjutsu on you guys.""Wait, do you know the person that has been releasing us." Asked the older NaraJust then Shikadai noticed Inojin unconscious on Himawari's back. "Don't tell me he's behind this."Himawari nodded. " he found a way and now he's trying to release you guys. ""How long has been in his jutsu?""About 40 minutes why?"" We need to get him to his mom. We need to hurry."The two young ninja were confused at first but quickly started following Shikamaru. "Dad tell me what's going on, is there something wrong with Inojin.""He might not have told you this yet but, the Yamanaka clan techniques can only be used for a short period of time before it becomes dangerous for them.""What are you saying dad? Will Inojin be alright?"" to be honest I don't know, only Ino can tell us."Ino was working on a new filter for the barrier when she suddenly fell to her knees. She could see memories start to return to normal. When she realized she recognized the chakra, it was her son. She tried to contact him she barely got through. "Inojin what are you doing.""Mom!! Everyone's been under a genjutsu since Kawaki attacked the village. I figured out a way to release it.""Inojin! Do you know how dangerous this is.""Yes of course I do mom."" Wait, how are you doing this? The mind transfer isn't this powerful."" I figured out a way.""Wait Inojin, don't tell me you used the forbidden jutsu.""I'm sorry mom but I had to. It's my life or the whole village."Inojin! Don't say things like that! You may never be able to return to your body. ""I'm okay being a sacrifice if that means the people I care about are safe.""Inojin come back, please."" I will but not yet."" Inojin!!"Ino lost the connection with her son. She opened her eyes when she heard footsteps entering the room. "Shikamaru, what are you doing here?" She stood up to meet her former teammate. "Were you released from the genjutsu?""Yeah, I was able to contact Inojin. I know he's behind this. Wait I didn't even ask him if anyone knew he was doing this, we don't even know where his body is."Shikamaru grabs her shoulders, stopping her rambling."Calm down Ino we have his body."Himawari stepped forward and with help from Shikadai they lowered him to the ground. Ino quickly kneeled down by her son's side. She made her hand sign for another one of the Yamanaka techniques. She closes her eyes and the rest of the group stand there wondering what's next.When Ino reopens her eyes she stands up with her head down. "Ino, what's going on?""His soul is nearly..."Before she could continue Sai came running into the room. "Ino, it's Inojin."He stops when he sees his son's body." I already know, I was about to say I checked and his soul is nearly gone from his body. The Inojin we once knew is gone forever." Both his parents are on the verge of tears." How could this happen? " Sai asks." He used the forbidden jutsu.""Ino I thought we agreed not to teach him that jutsu."" It's one of the jutsus that has been passed down in the Yamanaka clan for 17 generations, I know it is forbidden but every Yamanaka must know it."She was now in tears. Sai came and sat next to his wife trying to comfort her. "Hey, let's go get some fresh air."They both got up and followed Shikamaru out of the room. Leaving Himawari and Shikadai with Inojin unconscious. Himawari looked over and saw silent tears running down Shikadai's face. "What's wrong?""He told me about the forbidden jutsu, he said he could lose his life if he used it. I made him promise to never use it. I can't lose him.""I know Shikadai, every time you come up in a conversation Inojin becomes so proud of you. And I can't lose him either."They sat in silence for a few minutes listening to Inojins unsteady breathing. Himawari gets up startling Shikadai."Himawari what is it." "I need you to open his eyes.""What?""Please I need you to trust me on this one.""Alright"Shikadai put Inojin's head in his lap before gently opening his eyes, the once vibrant blue replaced with something dull and lifeless. Himawari activated her byakugan and began looking into Inojins eyes. Inojin's body became stiff, and began to shiver. "Inojin, please it's time to come back." Himawari says gently."You save us now, it's time for me to save you."Himawari focused became even more intense. A few moments later Inojin began to move. Shikadai let his eyes fall closed and Himawari deactivated her eyes. "Inojin."His eyes began to open and look up at his best friends."Hima?""Omg, Inojin." Himawari leaned down and gave him a hug. "What happened?" He coughs a few times because of his breath."Please don't talk, just relax." Shikadai says brushing back his hair."Co-ld ." Shikadai quickly shed his jacket and put it over his body, before pulling him into his chest to share his body heat. " You did amazing Inojin. Just please don't scare me like that again." The young Nara smiles. Inojin nods and closes his eyes. They stayed like that for what felt like hours. Himawari comes and sits next to Shikadai and holds Inojins hand. Luckily his breathing improves and he is no longer shivering. Soon the Inojin parents return. Ino walks over and looks down at her son."Please tell me he's still breathing""No, no auntie. He's fine." Himawari smiles and gives Inojin a gentle squeeze. "Hey, you need to wake up."Inojin's eyes slowly open revealing his bright blue eyes."Mom, dad?""Omg, baby you're okay."Shikadai put his jacket over Inojins shoulders before helping him sit up on his own. Ino quickly gave her son a hug followed by one from his dad. "Did I do it? Did I save you guys?""Yes, you did an amazing job." Inojin smiles as he is surrounded by the people he saved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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