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Author's pov:

It's been a week,a week by Jungkook missing Taehyung and it's been a week Taehyung crying to sleep without his Jungkoo next to him.

And it's been a week since Taehyung is slowly secluding himself

Without his bestfriend and Jungkook next to him, taehyung's heart feels heavy

He didn't attend the party which was on the weekend suggested by Bogum,instead just sat on his terrace and scrolled over his and Jungkook's selfies all night

And about the bullies in their office
who was bullying Mina were fired

Taehyung didn't expect this move of Jungkook for an employee's safety but him considering it made taehyung some what relief

Taehyung a moment let himself be in her shoes and thought for a second

Like what would have happened
if they come to know that he is Jungkook's wife and he will be the one facing all of this instead of Mina

His heart pounded in his chest

Maybe Jungkook's thoughts about
hiding his profession was right?

But his mind is not accepting,
he feels so strained and so angry
and frustrated without any reason.

He feels so irritated and frequently spacing out.

Now too he and Bogum sitting in the cafeteria and having lunch.

But Taehyung is just staring at nothing and his food is untouched

"tae?babe?"Bogum placed his hand on taehyung's shoulder

Taehyung flinched and stared at Bogum's hand on his shoulder

What if his Jungkoo and Chimmy
was right?

For a spark of second,Taehyung thought he was feeling like he is all wrong from the start

He didn't say anything and just began to walk away even though Bogum was calling his name repeatedly

Taehyung stepped out of the cafeteria with teary eyes.

He unlocked his phone and stared at Jungkook's photo which was his wallpaper

"Jungkoo"Taehyung's lips wobbled
as tears began to slide down from his eyes.

the moments where they shared so much love,swirled in taehyung's mind making his heart heavy with hurt.

"he slapped me"Taehyung thought to himself

'but i slapped him twice before,
but he didn't even react or get angry on me 'Taehyung thought

He shook his head wiping his tears and stepped towards his cabin

He took his bag and walked out

Taehyung stepped out of the office and took his scooty from the parking lot and drove away

Taehyung's head aches so bad, his eyes red and teary from tiredness and not sleeping properly.


"taehyung,eat something"
Mrs Kim said

But Taehyung didn't respond to her and just shut himself in his room crying.

He stepped towards the closet and desperately searched for something

He traced Jungkook's shirt and hugged close to his chest.

Taehyung curled himself in the bed and cried to sleep hugging Jungkook's shirt.


Taehyung opened his tired hooded eyes when he heard his phone ringing

Taehyung attended the call and mumbled hello sleepily.

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