A Starry Night.

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Authors note- I deeply apoligize for going missing I got really busy and had to deal with some famliy stuff.  I'll try and get back in my groove. Please excuse in grammer problems. I have a bunch of requst so I should be back up soon. Feel free to vote, comment, requst, and most of all------ Challenge me 0v0

Requsted By- LeoAnimatics

Scott, despite exhausted, as a starborne cant sleep, in the middle of the night around 2:00 AM he goes to phil and the two stay up together to watch the stars

Scott blinked the sleep from his eyes, he was so tired. This is one of the main downsides to being starborne; he could just never seem to fall asleep. It's not like Scott could never but he had to pass out, and he didn't feel like dealing with Phil. Speaking of Phil. Scott's hair pushed his face in the wind, if he went to Phil.. would he be mad? Anxiety itched at Scott, I mean the worst thing would be Phil yelling at him to leave.. Yeah whatever lets risk it! Scott left his home and started flying to Phils home. It was pitch black outside and all the stars seem to watch Scott. He hated them. They always watched and listened but aht ok. He spoke more.

Phils house slowly came into view, Scott quietly perched onto Phils window and knocked. Phil seemed to jolt up but then stare at Scott. Phil had began walking to Scott and the smaller got nervous again.

"Scott? Are you alright?" Phil asked in concern. Yawning Phil asked "Do you need help"

"U-uhm I was wondering if.. You could watch the stars with me...?" Scott muttered, face flushing red.

"Of course!" Phil said sitting in the window seal with the smaller. It slowly became brighter. When Wilbur went to bug Phil about Tommy he had to put a sleeping Phil and a uncouinces Scott into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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