Chapter 1: Noble Thieves

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Chapter 1: Noble Thieves

Chapter 1: Noble Thieves

On a sun-drenched and sandy rooftop, two scheming boys observed the crowded streets of Gemini below. The mastermind possessed a youthful charm and had black and blond curly locks tingling down his cheeks. However, it was his piercing orange eyes that truly set him apart. Slightly undersized for the age of fourteen, he wore trousers of a deep, genuine black, unlike the cheap, low-quality dye found elsewhere. These were paired with a beige tunic that left his tanned arms partly exposed while an emblem depicting a volcano adorned his chest.

Equally young but taller and broader, his accomplice sported a trendy, messy black hairstyle with shaved sides that contrasted his deep emerald eyes. His attire was strikingly similar, except for the embroidered emblem on his chest—a mint-colored cloud.

The smaller boy rummaged through a chaotic pile of blueprints before finding a scribbled and dusty map.

"Where's the sewer map? Ah, here it is. Do you remember the extraction point?"

His accomplice answered half-heartedly.


In response, the mastermind sighed.

"El, I told you no one will see you. Are you in or not? I can ask someone else."

"I'm in. Let's get it over with."

The curly-haired boy grinned widely and flashed a thumbs-up.

"See you at home then!"

* * *

The mastermind raced through the busy streets with his loot and a bit of company.

The main road of the vibrant city was a testament to its abundance. Merchant stalls, overflowing with goods, crept onto the road, challenging the plump carriages attempting to pass through. A towering, mystical green portal loomed over the lively scene, constantly painted with never-ending ripples by a stream of travelers.

The hustle and bustle didn't confine itself to the paved streets; the many interconnected waterways were filled with makeshift boats doubling as itinerant merchant stalls. A myriad of items was on offer, ranging from everyday foods and beverages to the most peculiar beast parts and occult potions. Passersby immersed themselves in the harmonious chaos of this commercial tug-of-war.

As the young racer darted ahead, he glanced over his shoulder, pacing himself strategically to ensure his pursuer wouldn't lose interest and give up the chase.

"Catch me if you can, you dawdler!"

The little thief clutched a fist-sized magical cube, giggling mischievously as he tried to unravel its secrets. Not far behind, a stout, sweaty man struggled to keep up. Unfortunately, his efforts mainly resulted in clumsy collisions with the crowd.

"Sir Nero, that is no mere plaything! Come back this instant! If you persist, I will inform your father!"

Yet, Nero had no intention of complying and proceeded with the second part of his cunning plan. In an instant, his swiftness was gone, his steps became treacherous, and he stumbled forward. The artifact slipped from his grasp as he fell, tumbling on an unfortunate path through some sewer grates.


On the other side of the impenetrable steel bars, Nero winked at his accomplice, who snatched the artifact mid-air and escaped. Eleric made off with their ill-gotten treasure, while Nero hit the pavement in a graceless roll and commenced his grand performance. Feigning agony, he began whimpering and squirming on the ground, attracting the attention of a curious crowd.

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