Chapter 24

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As the new day came, the House of Yorkshire has been busy all morning. Some servants are going around doing their assigned tasked. Clarice decided to host a tea party 2 days from now. Lia, her younger sister has been with her helping with the decisions of which to pick for the designs of venue, food menu, table wares, tea, guest lists and even dress to wear.

There are servants lined up in front of them while the two sisters are seated on chairs in a room. The servants are holding a paper and a pen to write notes. There's a long table in front of them and there are several samples of table ware with different designs to choose from. Clarice picked a combination of silver and wood table wares with the help of Lia. As it was decided, servants that's standing on the side of the room took the samples aside.

For the design of the venue they decided to held it in the garden and arranged some potted plants and flowers as designs around the area.

For the food and tea menu, they decided to have varieties of snacks to choose from that will go along well with tea, and the guests will just have to decide which to eat.

The guest list is up next, Clarice decided to invite 10 noble ladies which Lia agreed firmly. She doesn't want a crowded tea party.

For the dress, Clarice's maid bought catalogs from the personal designer of the Yorkshire Family. Clarice chose a yellow dress as she wants to vibe herself with the garden. Lia decided to wear the cream-colored dress as she wants it to be simple.

The day has come for the tea party hosted by Clarice. It is a peaceful afternoon. Lia went to the Supremacy in the morning. She asked permission from the boss if she could go home early to help her sister with the party. The boss gladly gave her permission.

The head maid is doing the last checking of everything to see if it is ready.

Clarice and Lia have finished preparing themselves for the party. They are now standing at the door together with numerous servants that have lined up.

Noble ladies were starting to flood the entrance. Clarice and Lia are offering their warmest greetings to the visitors and requested the maids to lead them in the garden as they continue to greet other upcoming guests.

The party is peaceful. All the nobles invited were good friends of Clarice. They carefully choose the guest list as Clarice wants to have a light and peaceful party.

As the party ended, the siblings heaved a sigh of tiredness and went back to their rooms to sleep. It is a tiresome day for them but indeed worth it for the sake of making friends, expand connections, and just having fun.

Another day has come. Lia woke up early to have her daily self defense lesson. After that, she ate breakfast with her siblings and prepare herself for departure to the Supremacy with Claine.

As they were walking through the quarters. They've noticed that there's no single person seen in the area. Lia frowned as a confusion.

Brother, there's no one in here. Where do you think they went?

Come, follow me. Claine said, seem to know exactly where to find them.

For sure they're here. He added

They walked through another door. The moment Claine opened it, she saw a hallway.

Just how many hallways are in here? Lia thought.

As they walked through the hallway. She saw another door at the end of it. As Claine opened the door, Lia saw the backyard of the west wing. It is surrounded by walls, as tall as the trees surrounding it.

The area is wide, really huge, and there are a lot of facilities. On her right was an average sized arena where soldiers are fighting. It has an elevated sitting area and surrounding it were another seats meant for the viewers. In front of the arena was an archery area where some soldiers are having their practiced. In front of Lia is another room. On her left, there's a sword-fighting area. In front of it was another room.

She was amazed with how equipped and complete this place is.

It is her first time seeing this side of Supremacy. She never thought that behind those doors, you would find something amazing. Its her first time seeing the soldiers sparred and practiced with their weapons.

Lia is still walking while she roam her eyes around the area. Due to her carelessness, she stumbled with her own feet because of a wrong step. She wasn't looking her way as she was amazed by the place that caught her attention.

As she was about to fall, a strong arms caught her. The person is holding her waist crossing the arm around her. Lia, not wanting to tumble, held the person's arm and tried to balanced herself with the help of it.

She let out a sigh of relief. She lifts her head expecting it to be Claine but her brother is not around anymore. She saw his retrieving back that's going to the fighting arena. She looked at the person who offered a help, and to her surprise it's the Boss. Her eyes widened in surprise and she immediately stood straight and took a step back. She fixed her dress and the loose hair that's covering her eyes.

Uhh.. Lia started awkwardly

Hello boss! She added with a smile and waved her hand awkwardly too.

Thank you for helping me. She added.

Damien nodded as a response then took his way back to the Supremacy.

Lia continued her way through the fighting area. It is an open one that's why people can easily see from the outside.

She roamed her eyes around searching for his brother. The whole arena was packed with soldiers. Lia saw her brother seated on the elevated area together with other Capos and Consiglieres. She made her way down the stairs where she was standing and on the edge of the viewers' area was a path leading to her brother.

As she made her way, she noticed a lot of stares from the soldiers. She became uncomfortable and wondered the reason.

The soldiers on the other hand, saw Lia walked in front of them and she was a head-turner. Her dress is simple but looking at her wearing it, they saw not a simple lady but an elegant one.

Lia took her seat on a chair beside Claine and watched the two soldiers battling.

What's happening here brother? Is this how they train?

No. The soldier on the left is actually a new one. He just got entered and some of his seniors are testing him. Claine explained.

Lia nodded in understanding and said,

But, isn't this too much for them? Lia said.

If you think about it, this one is just easy compared to the world that's waiting for them outside these walls. Claine said that made Lia ponder and agreed silently to what her brother explained.

The fight ended in favor of the senior soldier. The crowd cheered and the arena became noisy. Lia heard few female voices to her left and saw some ladies wearing soldier's uniform shouting and cheering. Lia smiled seeing them looking so cool with their all-black uniforms.

A man suddenly walked in front.

He must be the host. Lia thought.

The hose went in between the two warriors and he raised the hand of the winner making the viewers cheered loudly.

The soldiers were then assisted outside the arena for treatment in the Supremacy's hospital. Just when the host was about to say something, a voice was suddenly heard from the crowd.

How about letting the higher ups fight this time!


Ivory Rogers'

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