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"Maura you asked me to give you a budget for shoes. I don't know why I keep doing this when each month you go over it."
" Jane it's just this month I went over more. The other months when I did.I  donated my shoes to women who are working. You know I am trying. "

Jane looks at me and shakes her head. She tells me that we are running late for dinner at James and Lupe's home with my daughter and daughter in law. We are helping  them choose plaques for the car show for New Beginnings.  This year the residents of New Beginnings wanted to bring in more vehicles so they can donate more to the community. We all know the need is here in Sacramento. The goal is to get 200 more vehicles for the car show for June 21st. They currently have 356 vehicles. The goal is 400. Residents have gone to the parks and locations where car clubs meet and cruise especially since California has passed a cruising ordinance.  The residents and volunteers are out trying to get the numbers up while we are going to eat dinner at our only surviving Everlasting  residents.  We all still mourn them. The people who knew them as friends and coworkers.

"Babe I am ready. "

We leave with security following and in front of us. We arrive and my daughter,  Julianne and her lovely wife,  Ryan Rizzoli just pulled up a few minutes before us with their security detail. With us and everyone else there will be a total of 20 people eating in their backyard.  James told  me they were bbq  chicken and ribs for dinner will cole slaw, french bread,  potato salad with non alcohol beer from our friend Beth's brewery and cheese cake for dessert from Costco.

Lupe answers the door and tells us all the food is ready. We all make our way back to the backyard.   Jame and Lupe outdid themselves with the food.

"I hope the meat is tender enough and cooked how you all like it. I haven't bbq in awhile.  Please serve yourself and take a seat" says

" Rosalie nice outfit."
" Thanks Maura with all the weight I loss . I went shopping with the gals. Ryan went a little over board buying me clothes on top of what I bought myself. " " Yeah I did. I couldn't help myself.  You look hot in everything you tried on."

Julianne looks at her wife and just smiles. I know my daughter isn't sure if she should put her wife in check or just keep quiet.  Maura looks at her too probably thinking the same. We all are glad that Julianne refrains from saying anything.

Lupe updates us on the entries and car show attractions this year. Lupe was able to get surrounding areas to donate their cement land for the vehicles along with first responders.

We finally finished eating dinner and cleaning up.  Lupe and Ryan go over the plaques. We all vote on sizes and the words to be engraved on them.  Lupe runs down the total cost. She had spread sheets breaking down the fonts,size and color of the wood and plates used.  Lupe is very anal. This is why Jane and her colleagues didn't want her to leave the firm but supported her decision. She has the experience being a foster child with no family and running Everlasting home when she graduated from college.  When it burned down is when she went to work for the law firm.

We had cheese cake with coffee. We all said our goodbyes around 9 and went to our homes to relax. Jane and I wouldn't.  It was a Friday night. This was our date night . We didn't tell the others. We didn't want others to feel bad for us.  As soon as I turned on the alarm and locked the door, Jane picked me up like a fireman and carried us to our bedroom upstairs.   I kicked off my shoes. She kicked off hers and just say we were like horny teens going at it.  We finally stopped around 2ish. We both went to the restroom to use the restroom , remove our make up, take our pills and go to bed. We both were spent.  Jane fell asleep before me.

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