Storms In The Night

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 The dream felt different this time. The long hall was no longer there, instead it was a large room, the piano and King Yoongi were still there, he was still playing this sweet melodic tune. I was in a sheer gown, bra and panties quite visible underneath. This time, he stopped playing before I could reach him. He turned around and places his hands, folded in his lap.

"How was your evening?" He asked.

"My... evening?" I questioned, confused about this even stranger dream I was now having.

"With the three younger Kings?" He made it clearer for me.

"Oh... right. It was very nice." I replied.

"Hm... They kissed you." He stated.

"Uhm... yes." I admitted. I had a feeling not admitting it would get me into more trouble.

"Good girl. It means they like you. Which in turn means things are going well between us." He said.

"Yes. I'm hoping to get to know the others, and you as well." I told him, it was the truth. I felt like I was getting to know the three quite well in a short time. But I didn't know them enough yet... but also I hadn't known anything about the other four- Other than Yoongi's abilities to enter my dreams, apparently.

" Come see me, right now. Get up, come to my room. I'm waiting." He ordered. I didn't know what to do but I trusted him and nodded to him. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I was sitting up in bed. I looked around my darkened room and flung the covers off of me. I slipped my feet into the slippers that were awaiting my feet on the floor and I grabbed my robe, putting it on in a hurry.
I exited my room and tried to remember where his room was... I realized halfway across the other side of the second floor that I didn't really know where his room was. What saved me was the man in black who was standing in the hall. He wore a soft smirk on his face. He raised his hand and wiggled his finger in the 'come here' motion in my direction. I walked down that hall and made my way to him.

Once I reached him, he took my hand and led me back to his room.

"It's too noisy in the halls at night." He stated as we walked down the hall and to his door. Once inside his room, he closed the door and then he just stood behind me, I could feel his eyes on me. I decided to try and not pay attention to the things I was feeling, and instead tried to focus on the room. It was large and had a nice sitting area with black furniture. The walls were a deep blue. He had black curtains hanging on the few windows in his room. There were two doors, I didn't know which was which but one I assumed led to a bathroom while I assumed the other was a closet.
Dark wood flooring and a few black rugs were on the floor of his sitting area as well as by the bed in a sleeping area separated by two sliding doors that had windows all over them and a sheer black curtain that hung down and could be moved from side to side on a bar above the doors. He walked past me and grabbed my hand, leading me to his black sofa. From the looks of it, it was all leather. We sat down, he had turned the lights very low as he picked up a remote from the glass coffee table in front of us. He then turned on the fireplace that sat across from us, above it was a large flat screen, and on the mantle were a few objects, a cat statue, a few vases and a picture of the seven Kings together in full royal attire.

"So you had a good evening?" He asked again. I already answered him so I.. I don't know I just turned to him and spoke.

"I already answered that, why have you been invading my dreams?" I asked. He smirked.. He poured a dark brown liquid from a very fancy looking glass bottle into two glasses that looked quite fancy as well. He handed me one and began to sip from the glass he chose.

"I wanted to get to know you better." He spoke simply. Like it was obvious that he'd do that to get to know me.

"Isn't it difficult to get to know someone when you're touching them and.... And not speaking to them.?" I asked, These dreams were filled with desire, temptation, and a need I never felt before. It was uncomfortable but in a good way, if that made sense.

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