Chapter 10

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For a moment, Arthur savored the relief of being reunited with Sarah. But his peace was short-lived as he realized the lingering threat that loomed over her. It was clear to him who had sent Mathew to carry out the attack: the clan leader. As this realization dawned on him, Arthur's resolve hardened. He refused to allow Sarah to fall victim to the clan leader's machinations. He was determined to protect her at all costs. However, Arthur knew that he was not at full strength. His recent exertions had left him weakened, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down. He cursed himself for unwittingly drawing trouble to Sarah's doorstep yet again.

With great reluctance, Arthur gently pulled Sarah away from him, feeling the weight of her affectionate gaze on him. Every fiber of his being longed to embrace her, to lose himself in her warmth once more. But he knew that his duty was to keep her safe, even if it meant sacrificing his own desires. "It's not safe for you here in Bristol," he told her, his voice tinged with sorrow.

"I just found you," Sarah pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. It pierced through Arthur, tugging at his heartstrings. "And now you're pushing me away again."

Arthur couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes; the weight of her words was heavy upon him. But Sarah wasn't about to give up that easily. With a gentle touch, she urged him to look at her.

"Look at me," she implored. "I forgot an important part of my life—you. How? I want to know what happened in that one month. I want to know where you were for the past three years. Who are these people? They are killing innocents. Why? All these questions are still unanswered, and you are pushing me away.".

"Some things are better kept hidden, Sarah," Arthur said softly. "Sometimes we need to stay away from things that are beyond us. That is why I am asking you to go to Liverpool, or even further. Go to your parents in London. Stay there for a while."

Sarah's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart sinking at his words. She reached out to him, her hand trembling as she tried to grasp any semblance of hope.

"But why?" she pleaded, her voice quivering with emotion. "Why are you pushing me away? I can't just leave you here, Arthur. You are the lost piece of my life. Since the time I set foot in Bristol, I've felt a connection to this town, like it's my long-forgotten home. This forest felt like a distant memory. This wind has always carried your scent, which I recognize now. I may not remember you, but my heart longed to see you, Arthur. Don't ask me to move away!"

Arthur's gaze softened, his heart aching at the pain in her eyes. He longed to hold her close and assure her that everything would be alright. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't risk her safety any longer.

"It's for your own safety, Sarah," said Arthur, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please trust me on this. This was just one asur who came behind you tonight. Many more will come, and I...I am not strong enough to hold all of them. There is a reason your memory is hidden from you. Sarah, you deserve to live a happy, normal life. Being with me will always bring you suffering and misfortune."

"You aren't my misfortune, Arthur; you saved my life. You were always there for me," said Sarah. "I am not going to leave Bristol. Not until I get my memories back, not until I get you back. I don't care about anything else," she declared. Her tone was unwavering. Arthur looked at Sarah with a mixture of admiration and concern in his eyes. He knew her resolve was strong and that once she made up her mind, there was no changing it.

Arthur understood that this discussion was futile; he would need to address the problem himself. Once the clan leader discovers what transpired tonight, he will be furious. Arthur urged Sarah to return to her hotel as soon as possible. He removed a ring with a black diamond from his finger and handed it to her.

"They won't be able to trace you as long as you're wearing this ring. I will come back to you," he assured her.

Sarah looked concerned. "What is this ring? Where are you going? Why are they behind me?" she asked. Her mind had more questions and no answers.

"Trust me, Sarah. I will explain everything, but right now, I need to go. Please trust me," Arthur replied.

Sarah nodded in agreement and slid the ring onto her finger. Together, they walked back to the hotel, their steps close, yet something intangible was keeping them apart. Arthur knew it, and Sarah could feel it, but for now, she decided to set aside her questions and simply savor his company.

As the early morning light filtered through the windows of his cabin, Detective James took a contemplative sip of his tea. He sat at his desk, surrounded by the quiet hum of the station. Last night, he issued an order for his team to gather at the station grounds. Pushing back his chair, he rose to his feet and made his way outside. As he stepped onto the grounds, he was greeted by the sight of nearly sixty officers assembled before him. Some were familiar faces from the Bristol force, while others had travelled from Liverpool to join the effort.

Detective James stood before his assembled team, his voice clear and commanding as he outlined their mission. "Our priority is to locate the hideout of these asuras," he declared. "We need to gather as much information as possible to plan our next move." Dividing the force into three groups, James assigned each one a different sector of the forest to search. "Every minute detail matters," he emphasized. "Report back any findings, no matter how small." Despite the urgency of their task, James was keenly aware of the dangers they faced. "Be vigilant," he cautioned. "We don't know what we're up against, but that doesn't mean we can't defeat them. Return by evening and look after each other." With that, the teams dispersed in different directions.

Detective James ignited the engine of his car and pulled out of the police station parking lot. He had a couple of matters to attend to, and the first was to check on Sarah at her hotel. The call he received that morning from the hotel management about her being attacked by a stranger last night had put him on edge. He needed to ensure her safety. With a sense of urgency, he steered the car towards her hotel.

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