Chapter 1 : The Event

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*Grammatical errors ahead*

I was rummaging through my bag nang marinig ko yung mga kaklase ko sa labas

We had a kind of club event today, and I bought my camera with me as I find it fun to take photos

"Ali? Dali na papicture kami pleaseee" Nessa pleaded, she's my classroom best friend and is also a transferee here at HML High

The day where I've finally cut my hair short to let it grow straight again since I kept cutting it in different styles and even dyed it red

I'm Ali Lovyeh, currently an SHS ABM student.

I was wandering around with Nessa and taking photos when I scrolled through my phone and saw a few guys messaging me

Most of them are from different strands asking about my day and every common line boys would say to get your attention

As my naive and go with the flow personality, I replied to some of them, hoping to gain a guy friend

Bumalik kami ni Nessa sa room namin to get our wallets as we planned to pass our club stand and then go to the cafeteria

Nang pababa na kami, I saw my STEM crush. Let's call him Jm

Of course, kinilig ako, normal naman, and I kept telling Nessa that he looked at me and everything

I actually started liking Jm when he added me on my socials and reacted to my stories, ang grade 1 isipin na ganon agad ako nagkagusto sa isang tao

A few minutes passed by, and I got busy with taking pictures since we had a photobooth, and some juniors wanted some photos too

Once we finished, I got home and started editing as I planned to post my shots before evening

Again, a lot of people messaged me, asking about the photos, and I replied that they could see it once I'll post it later

How I didn't know that I replied to this one specific guy that would turn my life in both good and bad


Such a common name.. pero ginawa ko yung ginagawa ng iba na istalk muna yung pfp before magreply hahaha

In his pfp is a shot of him looking at the other direction with his arms crossed

Dang, he looks good and mature.. I thought to myself

He messaged me a "hi," so I replied with "hello, if you want to claim your photos, pwede mo lang iview sa mga posts ko later this evening"

I thought he was one of those students who messaged me, wanting their photos that I took earlier

And then he said, "wala akong pic sayo hahahaha."

Pati tawa sa chat ang gwapo..

We still talked after that and so applies to the other guys who messaged me

Believe me when I say that I didn't notice how I sound like an attention seeker girly back then or how I kept entertaining  a lot of boys

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