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Bionic went over to Doni's laboratory, throwing Quiff inside of of the cells and locking him in. He wondered if the man was even alive, or did the infection make him immune? Who knows.

Hee just had to sit and wait for something to happen. He wished Doni was still alive to help him. But he guessed that would be absolutely impossible due to him missing organs and muscle.


Upon opening his eyes, Doni immediately felt the most unimaginable pain, a burning and tearing feeling tore throughout his body, earning a scratchy scream, raspy and broken. He tried to get up, then he saw what was wrong.

His organs, splattered and laid out messily around him. Blood. That's all that filled his senses, an iron and metallic scent flooded the air, he felt something crush and pull his ribs, his large intestine moving, in fact, all of his organs were twitching. He felt nauseous, like he'd pass out. His ribs stretched out, like sharp and bloody spider legs. His sternum was no where to be seen, whatever was left of his diaphragm felt like it was on fire, he briefly wondered how he was still alive.

The bloody and sharp ribs moved upwards, pulling his limp body up with it, two out back, two in the middle, and two up front, and the last two acting as arms.. He noticed quite a few were missing, he wondered where they were for a moment before seeing his large intestine move out, acting as a tongue. If Doni could vomit, he would. His missing muscles bled, as well as the rest of him, he wanted to die, he's never craved death like this before, but now all Doni wanted was to be put out of his misery. His cervical spine was pulled, tugged on, stretching from the skin and growing longer. He wanted to go to sleep, get away from this hell.

His teeth grew in his mouth, forming sharp and shark-like teeth. Was this an infection, like the one Quiff had? Was he even in control of his own body right now? He had too many thoughts run through his mind at once, and his body was being moved, the new spider legs guiding him somewhere.

He just wished someone would stab or shoot this body, put him out of his misery.

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