Chapter - 4 "Good Times Doesn't Last Long"

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[Words Count : 2066]

Ace Hoisington

There is a saying- "Good times doesn't last long." Whoever has said that, it's so true. We finally made him save. I arranged for a doctor, threaten her with her life. Just to save him, but it all went in vain. Although, he made my father almost bankrupt. But, to save him was the first priority. And, we did made that possible. Still, destiny had their own saying. The man we saved died. Died by my own father. Matthew Hoisington, my father killed him in anger. He made my father lose the shipment, my father made him lose his life. But, the most unfortunate thing was, what I never expected from her. She, Laura Lewis, a doctor who practices at Saint Peter's Hospital, who we kidnapped mistakenly, thinking of her as Dr. Katie. She, Unexpectedly being a learner, who has not yet officially saw a real surgery let alone performed a surgery in her life. She, performed her first surgery in my cottage saving a live, which I think was practically impossible. I knew, she was afraid of taking that bullet out. But, sooner or later she had to do that. I just made her work easier by taking out the bullet. Although, she was angry with me, if she hadn't been captive here then she would have definitely killed me with her eyes.

She was capable of saving him. Either, she got lucky with the patient or she is a fast learner. I had a planned to let her go after the surgery, whether she had saved him or not. But, as I said, destiny has its own plans. I never gave an order to tie her again, as I had a reason for that. The reason was to let her run from here. To let her give back her freedom and life. But, she being she, she recorded my father killing the patient. I never planned to let my father know that she saved him, so that she can run from here freely. Now, that she had recorded my father, I have no option left with me. I have to kill her.

When she saw my father firing the gun, she screamed and that led to her phone slip from her hands. We all saw her recording my father and, my father being an angry person he gave me an order to kill her. I ran behind her to chase her. She escaped to the jungle near the cottage. I could see her footprints on the mud and I followed that. I saw her hide behind the tree. I was standing in a distance from her.

"Either, you come out from your own or I had to fire the gun on you." I shouted at her.

She didn't said anything.

"I know you're hiding behind the tree. There is no point of hiding there, I can see you and hear you breathing loudly." I shouted again taking my gun out.

She didn't respond again.

"If I shoot you now, I can guarantee you that you will die here but, If I missed my shot, I can still guarantee you that the bullet will still touch your body. And, you know, we have only you as a doctor. Who will save you, If you got shot?" I yelled at her.

This time she responded and came out from the hiding.

"Let's go back to the cottage, I don't wanna die here." She replied while walking towards me.

I took her to the cottage and this time, I tied her again to the chair at the same place. She screamed, cried and begged for letting her go. I also wanted to let her go but, this time it's her fault. She shouldn't have recorded my father. And, I can't help her now. She wanted to negotiate with me against her freedom. At first, I was hesitant to that but then I thought to give her a chance to live.

I asked her to marry me.

She was not agreeing to it but later she agreed as she has no other option left. Either she had to die or marry me. She chose to marry me. I asked her to marry me was because of her only. I can't let her die as she is innocent. And, I can't let her go as well because sooner or later my father will hunt her down. Either way she will be dead. So, I decided to marry her, to give her the protection from my father. Once, she is married to me, she will become a family and my father will not kill her. That was the last option I had to provide her. And, that was the last option she had to chose.

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