Chapter One

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Calum POV

I could hear and see sirens right in my face. I was confused. A cop hovered over me with a flashlight in hand.

"Can you please get the light out of my eyes." I requested.

"Sorry about that sir.," He replied turning the flashlight off.

"What happened?," I questioned the officer. I was very confused. I didn't remember how I got there or why I was there.

"I was actually wondering if you could tell me," he said.

"I really don't know. I'm sorry. My name is Calum Hood by the way"I replied.

"Okay. Lets get you checked out Mr.Hood," The officer said.

The police officer helped me up and off the dirt. One of the doctors near an ambulance rushed over to me. He examined me for any wounds or injuries. I winced as he touched the back of my head.

"Officer, it seems that this person will need to go the hospital due to the wound on his head. " The doctor said.

The officer nodded his head and we walked to the ambulance. Everything felt surreal. It could be just a dream and I couldn't wake up.

"Is this real doctor? " I questioned, hoping that this was fake and I am not being arrested for something I didn't do.


Cora POV

I was wiping the last table of the coffee shop before my shift ended for the night. It was nearly eleven o'clock and the full moon was high in the sky. I so badly wanted to enjoy the clear night but I was tired and my eyes were droopy. I was doing okay for a young adult but in my mind it was not enough. I lived in a awful apartment that I didn't even call home. It was tight and I was living by loud druggies who loved to get high and deprive me of my much needed sleep.

One of my neighbors named Yumi was decent. She was working at a daycare. She had an usual preppy attitude. She loved to help the community even if it meant donating half her paychecks to keep the streets clean. She was part of the very few people in the town who actually tried to bring everyone close together. All because it is a small town does not mean people are close. They are rather independent and reluctant to others. One of the main reasons why I wanted to work as a news reporter was so that my voice can be heard and bring everyone on the same page.

  I grabbed my coat and my phone began to ring. I answered it knowing this is likely from Yumi. She would ring me at any time of day asking me to help out at a community garden, or visit the old folks home with her.

I picked up the phone and answered.

"Cora!You couldn't believe what just happened. There was a mass murder towards the end of town. The man, Calum Hood who you started to fancy was arrested. I got to go now the elderly need me. Talk to you soon," Yumi said over the phone.

  The call ended immediately and I was in shock. Calum wouldn't have done this. He was a outgoing, sweet, generous guy. He was a bit secretive but killing was far from what could have happened.

  I put my coat on and left the shop locking it behind me. The wind was harsh and I grabbed my coat tighter. I felt a wave of nausea as I thought about myself associated with a killer, a liar, and a criminal.

After a few minutes, I reached my apartment complex. The smell of smoke was thick but something I have grown used to.

"H-h-e-e-y-y-y-y C,"Thomas, my drunk neighbor slurred to me as I walked up the steps.

"Thomas its too cold for you to be out here. Do you need help inside?" I asked. It was usual for him to stay out late;no matter the weather. Being the sweet human I am, I always help him inside. I always told him to seek help but refused.

Thomas accepted the offer and I walked towards him. I help him up by the shoulders. His messy shoulder length locks rested on my arm.

I use my other arm to unlock the door and lead him inside. I was too tired to drag him to bed so I placed him on his couch.

"Your welcome. Now get some sleep. Tomorrow we can have some breakfast." I told him. He nodded his head and laid back.

I left the bare apartment and heading to mine. I could hear the loud chatter of my drug addict neighbors next door. I unlocked my door and walked inside.

  The apartment was cold but I couldn't  do nothing about it. The thermostat was broken and my landlord was charging sky high to have it fixed. In the meantime, I wrapped myself in blankets and started a small fire in the fireplace.

  I set my purse down on the counter and pushed my brown hair behind my ear. I turn on the lights and walk towards my bathroom It was small but clean. The walls were plain white because I didn't have any money to spare on buying paint.

Okay maybe I do have the money but I'm way too lazy to paint it. Calum said he is was going to do it for me but he never got the chance. He used to leave to go to these secret meetings but he refused to tell me about it. He told me to wait until the time is right for me to know.

I strip out my clothes and turn on the water letting it heat up before stepping in. After waiting a minute or so, I stepped in and let the warm water cascade down my body.

I remember staying in so long I forgot my name and my worries about money and Calum were temporarily gone.

Super excited for this story!

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