Chapter Three

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Cora POV

I leaned against the wall and waited patiently for Harry Styles. He was a successful lawyer and one of my good friends. I wanted him to take on Calum's case.

  I see Harry walking my way with a smile plastered on his face. He had his brief case in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in his other.

"Hi love," he greeted me. He handed me his coffee to hold while he unlocked his office door.

"Hey Harry" I responded back.

  Once he unlocked his door, I walked in behind him. I placed his coffee on his glass desk and took a seat in one of the chairs.

  "What brings you here today? Oh wait You just want to visit your best friend," Harry said, then taking a sip of his coffee.

I chuckle and then smile at the curly haired boy.

"Well I was wondering if you could do me a favor" I said, looking down and playing with the rips in my jeans.

"Anything for you darling," He replied as he took a seat.

"My boyfriend Calum is in some serious trouble" I told Harry, looking up into his eyes.

"What kind of trouble?," Harry responded leaning back in his chair.

"Well, they think he murdered a few people. It was Calum and a few other people in this car and the police believe it wasn't an accident"

"Wow. This is an unusual case but I will be happy to defend him. I wouldn't want the love of your life to be locked in a cell for life" Harry said smiling.

"Thank you Harry. It really means a lot for you to do this for me"

"You're welcome. Let me know when I can meet with Calum so we discuss this case,"

I walked over and gave Harry a hug and kissed his cheek.

"I have to go. I'll see you later" I said walking out of his office.


   I got back to Calum's with my hands full of coney island food. I knocked on the door and he opened straight away.

"Hey babe" he greeted me. He moved out the door way and allowed me to enter his home. The smell of coffee was strong.

" I got your favorite" I said. I placed the food on the kitchen table. I took my jacket off and took a seat. Calum followed and sat across from me.

   As we began eating, Calum put his fork down and reached across the table to place his hand on top of mine.

"Thank you" he said. His brown eyes were filled with sadness and pain.

"You don't have to thank me for buying food. Its really no big deal-" I said until he cut me off.

"Thank you for the food but I was thanking you for being here for me. Most people won't stay with their boyfriend after they get accused of murder" He responded.

"No problem. I am here for you no matter what" I replied with a smile. I picked my fork back up and resumed eating.

   After we finished our breakfast, Calum and I decided to go to Harry's office to discuss his case. I wanted to make sure Calum didn't go to jail for this.

   "Hey lovebirds" Harry greeted us as we walked into his office.

"Hi Mr. Styles. I am Calum Hood. Thank you for taking on my case" Calum stated as he shook Harry's hand.

"No problem. Take a seat. I want you to tell me everything that happened that day. If we are going to win this case, I need you to not keep secrets. " Harry said puling out a pen and a notebook.

   Calum nods. I decided to leave the room and give them privacy to talk.

Calum POV

   "So lets start off with what happened in the morning" Harry began.

"Okay. I don't remember much. I recall waking up and going to this group. We met before. "

"Tell me more"

"This group that I was in. We were depressed. We talked to one another about things. "

"What kind of things"

" We were planning a mass suicide and that day was the day it was supposed to happen. "

Harry was shocked at what he just heard. This wasn't a usual case he would take on. With Calum's amnesia and chopped story this would be hard to prove his innocence.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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