Harry Potter One-Shot

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Imagine: Starting your first year at Hogwarts on September 1, 1991.

"Make us proud, Y/N." Your dad says as you're catching your breath from running through barrier to get to platform 9 3/4. He means well, your father, but there have always been a lot of eyes on him and your family because he works at the Ministry of Magic right alongside Lucius Malfoy. The Malfoys and your family have a sort of understanding between each other, because you each have secrets that you don't want out in the world. Yet, it does makes things feel ominous since your parents are always afraid to make someone powerful around them angry enough that Lucius or Narcissa would go blabbing to them about everything. 

Because of all of this, he tends to be pretty cold at times. Your mother is just as intimidating though, but she does know when you need a friendly smile from time to time. Luckily, she's easily able to tell this is one of those times and as she smiles at you, she says "Go. We'll see you soon and you can write home to tell us all about everything." You nod and wave goodbye before turning to the Hogwarts Express. It's something you've dreamed about seeing all of your life, but the idea of getting on is a bit scary. 

You're the first of your siblings to attend, and you know that you're the one that will have to continue the legacy that your parents set here. Finley and Tiberius still have a few years to go before they're ready, and you don't exactly want them to start on bad terms when their time comes to join you. As you start to take a step forward, you catch eyes with Draco Malfoy with his friends Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle who all sneer at you briefly before climbing aboard. 

Right as you're about to join them, a wide-green-eyed boy with shaggy brown hair stops you and asks "Excuse me, but is this the train to Hogwarts?" 

"Yes, what else could it be?" You ask, looking him up and down. A screech can be heard from under a tarped off cage and you decide to change the subject. "You've got an owl?" 

"Oh, yes! She was a birthday present from a... friend." The boy says. 

"That's swell." You give him the same kind of smile your mom has given you. The train's horn toots a couple of times, and you say "Well, we should be going. I suppose I'll see you at school?" 

"Yes, I suppose we will!" He holds out a hand for introduction. "I'm Harry." 

The boy who needs no introduction. Your heart skips a couple of beats as you realize you're shaking hands with the Harry Potter. His excitement about the train and his owl tells you right away that he didn't grow up in your world. You immediately know that what you say next will determine what kind of relationship you'll have with this legend amongst wizards as well as help set that legacy you have to worry about for yourself. 

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you! Would... would you like to sit together on the train?" You ask. His face lights up and he needs eagerly. You get your luggage and your crate with your cat aboard first and turn to help the green-eyed boy up next. As you walk down the hall, you both admire the intricacies of all the details until you find an empty room. When you look out the window, you see your parents chatting with the Malfoys and remember just how important it is to them to keep their connections strong. 

While you may not know what it is you want to do as a wizard yet, you know that your parents want you to keep the pureblood line pure and that the connections you make will mean everything. For now, you want to just be a kid. You don't have to exactly write them about every detail and every move you make at school. For now, you're just going to let yourself be a kid that's excited about being on a train that's on a trajectory that leads to the rest of your life. 

As the train starts to take off, you watch the platform start to become a blur and look over at Harry who seems to be deep in thought. You open your mouth to ask him what he's thinking about when there's a small knock on the glass door, and the two of you look over to see who's standing there. A shorter, red-faced boy with orange hair is standing sheepishly, and you know just from the color of his hair that he's a Weasley. The Malfoys and many other pureblood families believe them to be a disgrace to the pureblood title just because they enjoy fraternizing with the Muggle community. 

You, however, admire them. Of course, it's not something you'd ever tell your family because you know you'd almost immediately get disowned by your father and that your mother would have no choice but to do the same. Kindness is a virtue, so you decide to extend it to this stranger. 

"Mind?" He asks hesitantly. "Everywhere else is full." 

"Not at all." Harry says. 

"I'm Ron by the way." He says and looks at the two of you. For that split second that the three of you exchange eye contact, you realize that you're all calculating the idea of becoming good friends, and it seems like that's exactly the direction that you're heading.  

Just a short imagine today, I'm sorry! I kept trying to think of ways to continue it but couldn't come up with any. Thanks for reading!! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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