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Delylah was her name. A bright minded girl. Fine looking. She was smart, verry smart may I say. She was in a special school, one for the bright minded, together with every just kid that knew multiplications at the age of six, but also kids that could explain and preform Pythagoras without hesitation at that verry same age. Like Mikael and Zyra, the smartest people in the whole school. Mikeal and Zyra, those where the names of the people she had the privilege of calling her friends. Once, she could be called exceptional, being able to solve problems way above her age, being interested at every new question given to her. But, when you make everyone special, no one is. Now, she was nothing special. But it really wasn't like she was trying her best. If you would see Delylah, be in class with her, sit next to here. You would probably not even notice her. She would wear blending colors, never raising her hand. Always doodling in her notebook. But, if you would notice her, and you would look in her notebook, where you would expect doodles, you would see solutions, solutions to problems even the brightest of minds would not know the answer to. She didn't try to understand the questions given to her, she already knew them, she didn't ace her exams. Eventho she could easily get a higher grade then people like Zyra, or Mikeal. It was because she didn't want to be noticed at all, she didn't like people. She didn't know how to feel pride for her bright IQ. She didn't know how to feel happiness, she didn't know how to feel any emotions. She suffered from alexithymia. A condition in which she couldn't feel any emotions, it was like she was numb all the time. She didn't complain about it, nor did she tell anyone about it, nor did she try to feel something. She really didn't care, caring wasn't a emotion she could feel. Many would wonder why, why a girl like Delylah, an unpopular girl, whom scored just passing grades, could hang out with people like Zyra and Mikeal, people who scored higher then points on the exam. Delylah didn't know either, Zyra and Mikeal where a year higher than she was, during breaks they would find here and sit next to her and tell her things about their day, she would answer back with things they found interesting apparently. It was only later she realized they where friends, she Delylah, was friends with Zyra and Mikeal, the smartest people from her school, from her country even. Both of them knew of her condition, she dropped it as a lose fact, she didn't expect for them to react, not with such emotions, she didn't know if they where mad, or happy, maybe even sympathetic. Zyra was a sweet girl, a bit of a nerd (almost everyone was at this school) she has long brown curly hair and a skin light brown, almost like a latte. She was 16 just like Mikeal, who had short but verry curly light brown hair, round glasses and a big smile, he always whore the verry same red scarf. He was clumsy. But, in a cute way, he drank coffee, lots of it, so he was always energized when talking to them despite the all nighters he usually runs. Zyra has always hated coffee, you would always see her drinking some sort of hand made tea. Both of them had verry bright emotions. If you look at it, Delylah was the polar opposite, she had long black hair, a skin so pale as if she had not been outside for years. Z and M where total overachievers, unlike Delylah. Still, Z and M considered her as their best friend, form all the people begging to be their friend, they chose her. Delylah figured she should be grateful for that, though she couldn't feel that way. Every day after school Z and M would hang out with her, they would go to her house and make work and talk, Delylah wasn't an orphan, though she lived alone. When any of them would ask her, she would just give whatever non important answer. Her days where always the same, wake up, go to school, go home, make work with Z and M, be alone, go to bed. And then it would start over again.

As numb as she wasWhere stories live. Discover now