Delylah woke up, she got ready for school. She sat trough the boring classes that taught way below her level and lectures that seemed to have no ending. When it was finally break time Z and M where quick to find her. She sat where she always did, in a hidden bench, behind some bushes on the school ground campus. 'Hey Del! We have so much to tell you!' Zyra said. Del, that was the nickname Z and M had given to her a long time ago, she never had a problem with it, so they just called her that ever since. 'What is it?' Delylah said trying to speak with an emotion she did not possess. 'We spoke with our professor, and he said that if you take an exam next month you could come in our year!' Mikeal said. 'Yeah! We told him that you could solve problems way above your level!' Z said. 'It took some convincing, but you can take the test!' Delylah didn't know what to answer, she didn't know what she should be feeling at the moment. 'Oh wow' she said finally 'that's amazing' 'Then you can finally be in the same class as we are!' M said. 'We saw your notebook; you can solve solutions even we can't!' Delylah figured she should be bumped about her failing to go unnoticed. But then again, she already failed at that the second M and Z choose to be friends with her. She made up her mind, deciding it would be best to actually try to ace the exam, even if it was just for Zyra and Mikeal's sake. 'When is the test?' 'it's Friday may eighteenth!' the rest of the break they spend discussing what would be on the test.

The bell rang, Zyra jumped up whilst Mikeal slowly started grabbing their stuff. 'Shit, we have Miss Thompsons class. That's on the other side of the campus!' Zyra said. Hearing that Mikeal jumped up spilling his coffee al over the floor. 'Shit!' he said. Delylah stood up as well. 'I presume I will see you guys later here?' Every day, at exactly 4 o'clock they would meet at the same exact spot to walk home to Delylah's house. 'Oh fuck!' Zyra said. 'I completely forgot I have a dentist appointment today!' 'That's all right. I will see you Monday?' Delylah said. If one could not come, non would. That was just how it worked. 'of course!' M and Z both said. 'Till then Del!' Delylah slowly walked towards her classroom. This didn't happen often. She wondered what she should do in her free time. When she felt the overwhelming heat from the inside of the school compared to the campus, she made a decision.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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