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Tather was sitting down on one of the chairs in the restaurant when Jin came-

"Hyung ..."

Jin saw the paleness of her face,  he run at her after seeing that,

"What happened?" He asked worriedly
"They're here"
Jin's brows furrowed

"Surgeon Kim!"
Someone came out from upstairs walking down..

The Gang that raped Tather and that was their leader walking downstairs..
Jin felt the danger in the atmosphere but he kept calm
"Did they hurt you?"
He run his hand on Tather's teary face..
She shaken her head gently..

"I need my toy back.."
He said with the devil smirk on his face..

Jin held Tather's trembling hand.
"Where's JK?"
He whispered..
"Inside his room-"

Jin calmly stand up, shoving his hand on his pocket, showing no signs of being bothered by the presence of the leader walking Infront of them, his shows his chin up-

"What is it that you want again?"

The leader who wants Tather, raise his gun on Jin's head..
"I said I want my toy ba-"
They heard a gun shot-

Next thing they know their leader what shot in the head. His body fell down on Jin.

Jin took his gun quickly and shoot them .. Jungkook already shoot those men around his husband..
While Jin shoots the men around Jk..

When they're almost done, Tather screamed
Her blood running down her legs, Jin run on her...
" She's coming out Hyung! "
Tather was still on her 7th months pregnancy..

" This is a premature if she comes out-
Can you hold it a little longer ?  Ill bring you to the nearest hospital! "

Jin removed his long coat and put it on Tather

" The nearest hospital here is hour away! Are you sure you can hold it?"
Jungkook said watching Jin rattles and Tather laying her head on Jin's chest..

"I can't make it Hyung.. she' s coming ouuuuut!!!"
Tather screaming in pain..

"Baby, calm down! You need to calm down..
Jungkook Ill be needing an assistant.. follow me upstairs"
Jin carried Tather and almost run upstairs-

On the other hand, Jungkook calming himself.. there's nothing more painful than watching your husband taking care of his other woman!

Still he followed upstairs...

Tather successfully gave birth, she collapsed after seeing her baby ..

"I already cleaned downstairs.. dead bodies are gone"

Jin knew it.. Jungkook has connections everywhere.. Jin nods and kept silent..

Jungkook still watching Jin taking care of the  new born baby girl..
He saw the smile on Jin's face while playing the little angel on his arms-

Jungkook felt guilty and turn away..
"I will prepare some food for us"
He said before walking out of the room..

After almost  an hour Jin came down .
Jungkook still cooking..

"What's that?"
Jungkook tasting the food when he came and walked straight where Jungkook was standing smelling the dish..

"Uhmmm  it smells good!"
Jungkook did not expect that 
Jin standing at his back and hiding on his waist while smelling the food he's cooking ..

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