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"Okay sweetheart. Do let me know if there's anything bothering you. You know that I dearly love you."

"I love you too," Y/N quietly but confidently murmured, as she disappeared into her bedroom, leaving Kaeya standing in the kitchen alone. Glancing at the clock, he frowned. It was only evening, and he knew how slow time passed when alone and sober. I can't betray Y/N's wishes, Kaeya mentally fought with himself. She heeds my every wish, so I need to try and reciprocate this. Pacing between the living room and kitchen, he fidgeted with his hands, his eyes wandering towards the window. I suppose given my sobriety, it won't be a problem if I went out to grab us some food, Kaeya decided. Guiltily glancing towards Y/N's room, Kaeya tiptoed towards Y/N's handbag to extract some Mora. I'm sure my love won't mind...what's mine is hers, and what's hers should be mine too. And with that thought, Kaeya Alberich slipped out of the house towards the city center.

As he leisurely strolled through the cobblestoned Mondstadt streets, Kaeya avoided the glares of passers-by, and tried his best to block out any comments directed towards him. I don't need the alcohol, I'll get through this for Y/N. Kaeya's mind gripped onto the idea once again, that the day Y/N became Cavalry Captain, she would restore Kaeya's reputation and position in Mondstadt...somehow. All he needed to do was lay low and quiet for now.

Thoughts flowing in anticipation of the future, the ex-Cavalry Captain had unintentionally reached the Knights' training grounds; the tall, iron gates were locked but no matter. Gripping the bars, Kaeya hoisted himself over the gate, falling with a tumble as he jumped off. It seems teaching Y/N has helped my fitness - she is truly an angel, Kaeya smiled softly. He approached a training dummy and unsheathed his sword, which glowed an icy, silvery-blue in the quiet evening dusk. The weight of his sword in his hand felt both familiar and foreign. Kaeya began by striking the training dummy with uncertainty - it felt strange and pointless...yet he felt free. So he swung his sword and struck the training dummy with more force. With every practised dodge and attack, memories of past fights and victories flooded Kaeya's mind with a pleasant buzz. Kaeya smirked. I did far better than what Diluc could ever achieve, even with Master Crepus' wealth. Recalling Diluc, Kaeya's grip on the hilt of his sword tightened, and he swung his sword with aggression. At least things will improve once Y/N becomes Cavalry Captain, he thought. But that glorious title...without it, what use am I really?

Striking the dummy, the sword left a slash, from which sand poured out peacefully.

If I am not the Cavalry Captain, I am nobody.

Finally acknowledging his jealousy, Kaeya finally lowered his sword, his chest heaving with exertion. His mind felt clouded, but one thought remained clear: he could never admit this to Y/N, nor would it be wise to let this emotion develop. Kaeya sheathed his sword and made his way out of the training grounds and towards the tavern. A drink would surely silence this feeling of envy.

The familiar golden, dim glow of the tavern felt like a welcoming balm. Directly seating himself at the end of the bar, Kaeya's eyes sought for the bartender, ready to order and show his Mora. But as his gaze landed on the scarlet, low ponytail of the bartender, Kaeya's expression hardened.


The name echoed in Kaeya's mind like a distant thunderclap, summoning past demonic memories. Anger, resentment, and a hint of wounded pride simmered beneath the surface as Kaeya called out to him, his demeanor cool and detached.
"Diluc," he greeted coldly. Diluc's response was curt, and his expression guarded as he regarded his estranged brother.
"Kaeya," he acknowledged, his tone devoid of warmth. Barely concealing his flicker of annoyance, Kaeya cut straight to the chase, his gaze unwavering as he placed his order.
"I'll have a glass of your finest wine," he stated, his voice clipped and lacking any charm. As Diluc turned to prepare the drink, the tension between them hung thick in the air, a palpable reminder of the rifts that had torn them apart.

When the wine was finally placed before him, Kaeya reached for his glass with a deliberate slowness, his gaze never leaving Diluc's. But before he could take a sip, Diluc spoke, his voice low and accompanied with warning.
"Kaeya," he began, his tone carrying a weight of skepticism, "what are your intentions with Y/N?" 

Kaeya's grip on the glass tightened imperceptibly, a surge of defensiveness rising within him.
"My intentions?" he echoed, his tone sharp. "Why is that any of your business?" Diluc's expression of neutrality did not waver.
"Because I would rather not have you hurt another person that cares for you," he stated simply. Kaeya's brows furrowed at Diluc's words, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before it was quickly replaced by a mask of nonchalance.
"And who are you to worry about my actions?" he retorted sharply.
Unfazed by Kaeya's defensive response, Diluc replied, "Someone who has seen the aftermath of your mistakes too many times." He turned to dry a wine glass, before adding on, "someone who doesn't want to see history repeat itself." 

Kaeya's jaw tightened with frustration.
"You think you know everything about me," he spat coldly. "But you don't."
"Maybe not," Diluc conceded quietly. "But I know enough to see when someone is making the same mistakes over and over again." 

Picking up his wine glass by its stem, Kaeya swirled the blood-red liquid around, before aggressively slamming his wine glass onto the bar table. He had looked forward to this drink, relishing the idea of drowning his troubles in the familiar warmth of alcohol. Yet now, its allure seemed tainted. Pushing the full glass towards Diluc, Kaeya rose to leave. Locking eyes with Diluc, his voice carried a final warning, edged with resentment.
"Stay away from Y/N, and stay out of my business. You've done enough already."

And with that, Kaeya Alberich turned, and disappeared into the calm night.

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