I'm Not Letting Go

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Jadakiss walked into the living room, shutting the door behind him with a firm hand. His eyes were cold as he fixed his gaze on the woman standing in front of him. Tara was looking at him, her face twisted in a crazed expression, her eyes flashing with anger.

She yelled at him, "You pig, do you think I wouldn't find out?" Her words sent a wave of disgust through Jadakiss's spine, but he remained composed.

He responded calmly, "I didn't do it for you not to find out. I did it because I wanted you to find out, and I bet it hurts like hell." He didn't feel any regret and was curious to see how Tara would react.

Tara let out a disgusted scoff, her body shaking with rage. She had been trying to break Jadakiss for the past few years, but he always came back stronger and fiercer than before. He seemed to have an automatic defense mechanism that kept him from breaking. Tara hated Jadakiss's guts, and she couldn't bear the thought of him winning again.

Jadakiss remained calm, waiting for Tara to reveal the truth. He didn't know what she was talking about, but he had a feeling that it was something significant. He was determined to get to the bottom of it and put an end to Tara's attempts to break him.

Tara took a deep breath and sucked on her lower lip, her hands on her waist as she appeared to be deep in thought. She was quiet for a few seconds before finally speaking with a victorious smirk on her face. "But you lost again," she said.

"She left, probably because she realized that you were not good enough. You're too weak to admit that you're a beast, something she wouldn't want to have as a partner. That must have hurt like hell. She doesn't love you, but unlike me, she gave herself to you before drawing her conclusion."

Jadakiss remained stoic, not flinching or showing any emotion. But deep down, Tara's words had touched a nerve. He swallowed his doubts and countered her words with calmness. "But she is my first," he said.

"The way she was whimpering and moaning my name while beneath me told me that she felt something for me. Otherwise, she would have never allowed me to take her dignity. And for the record, I'm not letting go."

Tara was in disbelief. In the past year, Jadakiss had never shown interest in any other woman except her. He had been obsessed with her ever since they met at a young age. She had underestimated that human girl, who had taken the Alpha King from her within a snap of a finger. She was impressed, but she had an advantage now that she had left.

"Not when I'm still alive. As long as I breathe, she will never be a part of your list because you can only belong to me," Tara's words sounded possessive and weird in his ears. Tara has never been possessive of him, not even once but as soon as Gemma is mentioned, she is restless.

He felt unease engulf his heart but as usual, he didn't show it. Instead, he replied as he walked out without bothering to go to his room to freshen up, "Keep dreaming". Tara didn't know why but she always had this feeling that the human girl wasn't ordinary.

Nothing escaped the eyes of a predator, and she was one. Tara had always been insecure about Gemma, and now, Jadakiss's strange behavior towards her only fuelled her paranoia.

Unbeknownst to Tara, Gemma was not a woman who would fold her arms and watch someone control her existence for she had a purpose in life. That purpose would cause a lot of twists in the realm of the supernatural.

Gemma sat in her room, holding her phone tightly in her left hand, her brows furrowed in thought as she gazed at the contract displayed on her phone screen. It had been almost seventy-two hours since she had the conversation with Adkins.

She had been thinking hard about what he said about allowing Jadakiss the privilege of his unborn child. No matter how much she wanted to share the news with him, her principles and conscience would not allow her to do so.

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